Crops ›› 2020, Vol. 36 ›› Issue (2): 60-64.doi: 10.16035/j.issn.1001-7283.2020.02.010

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AMMI Model Analysis on Regional Trials of Large-Seeded Peanut Varieties

Liu Weixing,He Qunling,Zhang Fengye,Fan Xiaoyu,Chen Lei,Li Ke,Wu Jihua()   

  1. Shangqiu Academy of Agriculture and Forestry Sciences, Shangqiu 476000, Henan, China
  • Received:2019-08-05 Revised:2019-11-21 Online:2020-04-15 Published:2020-04-13
  • Contact: Jihua Wu


The AMMI model was employed to analyze the pod yield data of regional trials for large-seeded peanut from 2015 to 2016 in north China. The results showed that the varieties, test sites, the variety×test site interaction and the interaction principal component axis (IPCA) reached at extremely significant level. There were significant differences in stability of the eight peanut varieties and resolution of the nineteen testing sites. Among the eight varieties, the stability parameter of Kainong 705 was the highest (Dg=32.9718) and that of Huayu 33 was the lowest (Dg=11.3287); Shanghua 11 and Zhengnonghua 15 were the varieties with high-yield and high-stability, Kainong 705 and Longhua 2 were the varieties with high-yield and low-stability, Huayu 33 was the variety with low-yield and high stability. As for the nineteen testing sites, Rizhao in Shandong and Luoyang in Henan had the best resolution, while Luohe in Henan and Guzhen in Anhui were of lower resolution.

Key words: AMMI model, Large-seeded peanut, Yield, Stability, Adaptability

Table 1

Average pod yield of testing peanut varieties in 2015-2016 kg/hm2"

品种Variety 2015 2016
G1 (CK) 5 207.58 4 769.17
G2 5 073.41 4 749.99
G3 5 747.23 5 400.39
G4 5 312.19 5 331.21
G5 5 514.17 5 071.06
G6 5 639.91 5 201.49
G7 5 319.20 5 312.29
G8 5 540.31 5 106.67

Table 2

Pod yield of peanut in 19 testing sites in 2015-2016 kg/hm2"

试验地点Testing site 2015 2016
E1 6 226.59 8 031.26
E2 3 637.69 3 457.97
E3 4 825.13 5 027.44
E4 5 733.26 5 708.31
E5 6 411.39 5 295.30
E6 3 603.86 4 299.11
E7 4 699.22 7 292.06
E8 4 558.84 3 983.55
E9 3 723.43 3 933.83
E10 6 147.49 3 971.59
E11 5 664.68 5 470.91
E12 5 932.54 4 619.40
E13 6 708.69 5 896.65
E14 4 808.74 4 908.56
E15 6 386.08 4 346.87
E16 6 960.00 3 696.32
E17 5 834.38 6 735.96
E18 6 430.29 5 014.39
E19 4 673.42 5 548.41

Table 3

Combined analysis of variance of pod yield of peanut varieties"

Source of variation
df 平方和
Sum of squares
Percentage of total sum of squares
Mean square
总变异Total variation 455 430 507 422.61 - 946 170.16 - -
处理Treatment 151 413 331 665.70 - 2 737 295.80 48.4484 0.0001
基因型Genotype (G) 7 18 856 776.40 4.38 2 693 825.20 47.6790 0.0001
环境Environment (E) 18 361 562 332.25 83.99 20 086 796.24 355.5235 0.0001
基因型×环境交互作用G×E interaction 126 32 912 557.05 7.65 261 210.77 4.6233 0.0001
误差Error 304 17 175 756.91 3.99 56 499.20 - -

Table 4

Analysis results of linear regression analysis and AMMI model"

Source of variation
df 平方和
Sum of squares
Percentage of total sum of squares
Mean square
Linear regression
联合回归United regression 1 901 569.71 2.74 901 569.71 15.9572 0.0001
基因型回归Genotype regression 6 1 260 054.77 3.83 210 009.13 3.7170 0.0014
环境回归Environment regression 17 6 500 847.34 19.75 382 402.78 6.7683 0.0001
残差Residual 102 24 250 085.23 73.68 237 745.93 4.2080 0.0001
AMMI model
IPCA1 24 12 366 546.90 37.57 515 272.79 4.4899 0.0001
IPCA2 22 8 509 099.24 25.85 386 777.24 3.3702 0.0001
IPCA3 20 5 151 121.87 15.65 257 556.09 2.2442 0.0020
残差Residual 60 6 885 789.04 20.93 114 763.15 - -


Biplot of AMMI between average pod yield and IPCA1"

Table 5

Scores and stability parameters of peanut varieties"

G1(CK) -0.4380 -11.3192 0.1501 11.3287 8
G2 -2.3195 -25.6711 4.2104 26.1173 4
G3 -23.2418 20.0340 12.0663 32.9718 1
G4 -0.3688 8.6932 -31.5322 32.7107 2
G5 -19.4645 -13.3420 -1.2394 23.6307 5
G6 3.0022 13.5149 9.5819 16.8368 6
G7 30.8842 0.3913 7.6546 31.8211 3
G8 11.9462 7.6990 -0.8917 14.2401 7

Table 6

Scores and stability parameters of testing site"

Testing site
E1 3.5204 -1.5893 1.2015 4.0451 18
E2 19.3002 -10.4954 4.9151 22.5124 3
E3 6.8929 13.8254 -6.7735 16.8681 6
E4 1.6036 -6.2567 6.1876 8.9445 16
E5 1.2227 7.6446 -11.9365 14.2273 9
E6 2.2034 8.7108 0.1289 8.9861 15
E7 27.0216 9.3446 4.9899 29.0239 2
E8 1.9683 -0.4205 -1.2237 2.3555 19
E9 2.4504 -3.1489 -16.5475 17.0217 5
E10 6.3001 7.3112 7.7440 12.3739 13
E11 -0.3787 -12.5732 7.5653 14.6786 8
E12 -12.0463 -7.3143 6.5748 15.5512 7
E13 -7.7215 3.2372 10.4448 13.3864 10
E14 -4.4749 -12.2357 0.4139 13.0349 12
E15 -9.9627 7.2712 -16.1485 20.3199 4
E16 -5.0310 -11.9311 -1.9425 13.0933 11
E17 -19.0959 20.3153 13.4921 30.9742 1
E18 -6.5048 -3.8598 -4.1415 8.6234 17
E19 -7.2680 -7.8354 -4.9443 11.7755 14
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