Crops ›› 2022, Vol. 38 ›› Issue (5): 118-123.doi: 10.16035/j.issn.1001-7283.2022.05.016

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Effects of Different Altitudes on the Contents of Aroma Precursors in Air Cured Cigar

Liu Hui1(), Liu Boyuan1, Jin Mingke1, Yang Weili2, Zhang Siwei1, Zhao Mingqin1()   

  1. 1College of Tobacco Science, Henan Agricultural University, Zhengzhou 450003, Henan, China
    2Dazhou Tobacco Company of Sichuan Province, Dazhou 635000, Sichuan, China
  • Received:2021-06-18 Revised:2022-04-27 Online:2022-10-15 Published:2022-10-19


In order to study the effects of different altitudes on the aroma precursors of cigars, the middle and upper leaves of cigars planted at three different altitudes in Dazhou, Sichuan province were selected to analyze the differences of main aroma precursors content. The results showed that, with the increase of altitude, the content of polyphenols in middle and upper leaves increased gradually. The content of polyphenols in high altitude was significantly higher than that in medium and low altitude on the whole. Pigment substances showed different performance with the increase of altitude, chlorophyll content decreased gradually with the increase of altitude, on the contrary, the content of xanthophyll and β-carotene increased gradually, and the change law of middle and upper leaves were the same. The total amount of organic acids of upper leaves at high altitude increased by 20.43% and 29.80%, respectively, compared with medium and low altitude, and the treads of middle leaves was the same as the upper leaves. The total alkaloid content of upper and middle tobacco leaves decreased significantly with the increase of altitude (P<0.05). The average alkaloid content from high, medium and low altitude of middle and upper leaves was 8.75%, 7.00% and 4.12%, respectively. According to the grey correlation analysis, altitude had a greater impact on polyphenols, followed by pigments and alkaloids.

Key words: Altitude, Polyphenol, Pigment, Organic acids, Alkaloid, Grey correlation degree

Table 1

Effects of altitude on polyphenol content of cigar mg/g"

叶位Leaf position 海拔Altitude 绿原酸Chlorogenic acid 云香苷Picroside 莨菪亭Hyoscyamus pavilion 总量Total
Upper leaf
0.160±0.050a 1.880±0.860a 0.014±0.004a 2.060±0.190a
0.078±0.023b 0.820±0.710b 0.007±0.003b 0.910±0.740b
0.057±0.007b 0.730±0.120b 0.009±0.002ab 0.800±0.130b
Middle leaf
0.110±0.037a 1.600±0.220a 0.008±0.003a 1.720±0.190a
0.066±0.015a 0.790±0.710ab 0.004±0.002a 0.860±0.730ab
0.060±0.007a 0.530±0.340b 0.006±0.002a 0.590±0.340b

Table 2

Effects of altitude on pigment of cigar μg/g"

Leaf position
Upper leaf
122.78±55.84a 7.03±2.02b 81.76±23.61a
120.08±24.28a 35.50±7.67ab 69.45±5.83ab
109.58±34.63b 91.85±10.79a 63.17±18.40b
Middle leaf
116.54±19.56b 56.77±11.12b 56.08±14.01a
96.37±32.43a 91.65±8.33a 50.64±5.29a
87.66±20.55b 103.45±20.36a 46.17±17.78a

Table 3

Effects of altitude on the contents of main organic acids in cigar mg/g"

Leaf position
Malonic acid
Malic acid
Citric acid
Upper leaf
31.98±1.43a 4.75±0.44a 91.50±16.23a 43.93±16.83a 172.16±1.69a
22.77±3.11b 3.79±0.67b 77.70±18.00b 38.69±6.46a 142.95±14.91b
21.89±1.52b 3.63±0.17b 73.55±17.38b 33.56±16.55b 132.63±25.38b
Middle leaf
30.33±3.69a 4.47±0.77a 86.15±30.09a 34.90±11.81a 169.58±31.83a
24.76±3.79ab 3.25±1.27b 68.40±9.15b 33.64±11.77a 155.85±21.48b
21.62±4.47b 2.80±0.29b 68.38±10.28b 28.63±7.99a 145.56±3.58bc

Table 4

Effects of altitude on alkaloid content in cigar %"

Leaf position
Upper leaf
2.72±0.24c 1.20±0.11c 0.025±0.004a 0.26±0.06b 0.0063±0.0020b 4.21±0.92c
3.73±0.78b 2.01±0.31b 0.032±0.004a 0.49±0.06a 0.0061±0.0020b 6.26±1.03b
4.74±0.48a 3.76±0.93a 0.044±0.007a 0.62±0.12a 0.0098±0.0010a 9.17±1.25a
Middle leaf
1.78±0.75b 1.78±0.48c 0.028±0.006b 0.43±0.14a 0.0050±0.0020b 4.02±1.00b
3.19±0.95ab 3.91±0.93a 0.039±0.003a 0.56±0.06a 0.0160±0.0050a 7.72±1.30a
4.24±0.50a 3.40±0.35b 0.038±0.003a 0.63±0.09a 0.0100±0.0020a 8.32±1.80a

Table 5

Correlation between altitude and aroma precursors"

指标Index 上部叶Upper leaf 中部叶Middle leaf
多酚Polyphenol 0.4374 1 0.3675 1
色素Pigment 0.3152 3 0.2900 2
有机酸Organic acid 0.2949 4 0.2420 3
生物碱Alkaloid 0.3340 2 0.1806 4
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