Crops ›› 2018, Vol. 34 ›› Issue (3): 90-96.doi: 10.16035/j.issn.1001-7283.2018.03.014

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Effects of Soil Moisture and Temperature with Different Cultivation Methods on the Yield and Tuberization of Potato

Liang Shumin1,2,Wang Ying1,2,Pan Zhechao1,2,Zhang Lei1,2,Xu Ningsheng1,2,Li Yanshan1,2,Yang Qiongfen1,2,Li Xianping1,2,ai Jianming1,2,Yao Chunguang1,2,Lu Lili1,2,Sui Qijun1,2   

  1. 1 Industrial Crops Research Institute, Yunnan Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Kunming 650205, Yunnan, China
    2 Scientific Observing and Experimental Station of Potato and Rapeseed in Yunnan-Guizhou Plateau,Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs of the People's Republic of China, Kunming 650200, Yunnan, China;
  • Received:2018-02-12 Revised:2018-04-27 Online:2018-06-20 Published:2018-06-20

Abstract: Aim

ing at solving the problem of low yield of potato in the high altitude and cool area of Yunnan-Guizhou Plateau, cultivation measures such as film mulching to increase the soil temperature were used for increasing potato yield. In order to clarify the most suitable film mulching mode in this area, four kinds of cultivation modes: double ridges after flat-planting (A1), double ridges plastic film cover with potato planting along the bigger ridge side (A2), double ridges mulching with the soil covering (A3) and double ridges (A4) as control were set up in 3 years field experiment. The effects of different cultivation modes on soil temperature and humidity, yield and development process were analyzed. The results showed that the average temperature during the whole growth period is 14℃ in Yema Village, typical climate area of the Yunnan-Guizhou Plateau, and 4℃ lower than the optimum temperature, and soil humidity was higher than 45%, indicating water was not a limited factor. Increasing soil temperature was the key to get higher yield. A3 treatment was the most suitable cultivation mode in the area, which could increase yield by 26.8%, promote forming tubers 9 days early, and improve commodity tuber rate by 1.05%.

Key words: Potato, Yunnan-Guizhou Plateau, High altitude and cool area, Cultivation mode, Soil hydrothermal effect, Tuberization pattern


Variation of rainfall in 2014-2016"


Variation of average temperature in 2014-2016"

Table 1

The rainfall and average temperature in 2014-2016"

项目Item 年份Year 平均值Average
2014 2015 2016
全生育期总降水量Total rainfall of whole growth period (mm) 1 213.6 930.2 942.6 1 028.8±160.2
全生育期平均温度Average temperature of whole growth period (℃) 14.88 13.79 14.22 14.30±0.55


Variation of soil moisture in 2014-2016"


Variation of soil moisture in different soil depth in 2014-2016"


Variation of soil temperature under different cultivation modes"

Table 2

The yield and its parameter of potato under different cultivation modes"

Tuber yield of
big potato
Tuber yield of medium potato
Tuber yield of
small potato
Equivalent production
Commodity tuber rate
云薯401 A1 72.52±30.74b 18.88±7.38a 7.18±3.46a 98.44±30.31b 46.65±6.90b 0.95±0.06ab
Yunshu 401 A2 66.24±30.83b 18.45±9.02a 7.24±2.36a 92.91±33.16b 44.25±7.35b 0.94±0.07b
A3 81.02±28.82a 18.36±5.76a 5.79±2.77a 119.74±25.78a 56.70±11.10a 0.96±0.06a
A4 71.79±25.41b 18.90±9.08a 7.98±6.47a 94.16±29.93b 44.70±6.30b 0.96±0.07a
云薯505 A1 103.33±29.94b 19.35±15.99a 5.98±2.68a 128.66±37.52b 45.90±11.10b 0.95±0.04ab
Yunshu 505 A2 102.01±37.76b 23.22±10.25a 4.58±2.48a 130.04±45.38b 61.95±13.20b 0.94±0.04b
A3 118.28±36.22a 20.02±8.19a 5.75±2.81a 143.32±39.33a 68.10±12.15a 0.96±0.04a
A4 100.89±22.22b 20.96±17.46a 4.55±1.93a 124.90±31.30b 59.10±7.95b 0.95±0.04a

Table 3

The fitting equation of potato tuberization under different cultivation modes"

2014 云薯401 A1 y=5.47x-184.08
Yunshu 401 A2 y=7.28x-307.28
A3 y=0.01x2+8.97x-266.21
A4 y=-0.0594x2+19.72x-527.8
云薯505 A1 y=-0.0551x2+19.588x-723.03
Yunshu 505 A2 y=-0.23x2+51.159x-1746.6
A3 y=5.8536x-172.79
A4 y=-0.0369x2+14.653x-351.28
2015 云薯401 A1 y=10.72x-311.25
Yunshu 401 A2 y=-0.0624x2+20.605x-516.09
A3 y=6.52x+45.32
A4 y=-0.039x2+16.51x-406.73
云薯505 A1 y=-0.0762x2+22.351x- 499.13
Yunshu 505 A2 y=-0.0695x2+22.521x-424.64
A3 y=0.1437x2+35.593x-689.6
A4 y=-0.0768x2+20.869x-448.12
2016 云薯401 A1 y=-0.0062x2+12.512x-299.1
Yunshu 401 A2 y=14.659x-417.6
A3 y=12.628x-268.54
A4 y=0.0005x2+0.5809x+48.133
云薯505 A1 y=8.6448x-168.62
Yunshu 505 A2 y=-0.0205x2+15.766x-346.73
A3 y=15.996x-420.16
A4 y=12.679x-333.71

Table 4

Effect of different cultivation modes on potato tuberization"

年份Year 品种Variety A1 A2 A3 A4 A1-A4 A2-A4 A3-A4
2014 云薯401 Yunshu 401 37 42 28 37 0 -5 9
云薯505 Yunshu 505 42 42 29 35 -7 -7 6
2015 云薯401 Yunshu 401 29 27 18 26 -3 -1 8
云薯505 Yunshu 505 24 20 21 23 -1 3 2
2016 云薯401 Yunshu 401 49 52 47 51 2 -1 4
云薯505 Yunshu 505 42 44 47 47 5 3 0
平均值Average 33.00 32.75 24.00 30.25 -1±4b -1±4b 5±3a

Table 5

Emergence rate of potato under different cultivation modes %"

播种后天数Days after sowing
19d 28d 36d 46d 60d
A1 0.37c 26.72±11.86a 81.41±11.10a 93.48±4.51a 94.86±1.33a
A2 8.11a 36.61±11.02a 85.72±8.00a 94.03±2.38a 96.93±0.59a
A3 2.87b 27.50±17.77a 75.05±12.96a 90.12±4.14a 94.62±3.40a
A4 0.92c 22.84±14.48a 75.01±15.89a 91.45±4.12a 95.57±1.90a

Table 6

Correlation analysis of various factors"

项目Item 土壤湿度Soil moisture 土壤温度Soil temperature
10cm 15cm 20cm 30cm 10cm 15cm 20cm 30cm
产量Yield -0.79** -0.80** -0.15 -0.63* -0.67* 0.86** 0.91** 0.89**
商品薯率Commodity rate -0.059 -0.099 -0.62* -0.99** -0.10 0.27 0.37 0.32
结薯速率(苗期)Rate of tuberization(Seedling stage) -0.64 -0.23 -0.46 -0.21 -0.70** 0.77** 0.82** 0.80**
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