Crops ›› 2023, Vol. 39 ›› Issue (4): 144-151.doi: 10.16035/j.issn.1001-7283.2023.04.021
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Chen Yue(), Gong Liang(
), Jin Dandan, Zhang Xin, Li Bo, Zou Xiaojin, Sui Shijiang, Ye Xin, Liu Yan
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[1] | Zhang Jiao, Chen Pengjun, Chen Yan, Han Jijun, Cui Shiyou. Short-Term Changes of Soil Characteristics and Rice Yield of Reclaimed Rice in Tidal Flat Aquaculture Ponds [J]. Crops, 2023, 39(4): 118-125. |
[2] | Hu Xinyuan, Liu Yongqiang, Xie Kuizhong, Sun Xiaohua, Luo Aihua. Effects of Organic Fertilizer Replacing Nitrogen Fertilizer on Soil Physical Chemistry Properties and Potato Quality under Continuous Cropping in Arid Area [J]. Crops, 2023, 39(4): 159-164. |
[3] | Le Lihong, Liu Kaili, Chen Zhongping, Wang Binqiang, Tang Zhou, Cheng Feihu, Zhang Kun. Effects of Application Time of N Fertilizer at Panicle Differentiation Stage on the Nitrogen Use Efficiencies, Yield and Quality of One-Season Indica-Japonica Hybrid Rice [J]. Crops, 2023, 39(4): 195-201. |
[4] | Hua Qin, Lin Quanxiang, Song Yuanhui, Sun Jiameng, Zhang Zupu, Chen Qingquan, Li Jincai, Zhang Haitao. Phenotypic Analysis and Map-Based Cloning of Chalkiness and FlouryEndospermMutantcsein Rice (Oryza sativa L.) [J]. Crops, 2023, 39(4): 22-30. |
[5] | Yang Hongwei, Zhang Liying, Li Xiaohui. Research on the Moisture Content Variation and Influence to Rice Seed Germination under Salt and Alkali Stress by Low Field NMR [J]. Crops, 2023, 39(4): 253-259. |
[6] | Yuan Shuai, Chen Jiwang, Chen Pingping, Yi Zhenxie. Response of Yield and Cd Accumulation and Distribution in Main Crop and Ratooning Rice of Xiangzaoxian 45 to Irrigation Methods [J]. Crops, 2023, 39(3): 101-108. |
[7] | Zhang Guozhong, Li Juan, Li Yucai, Jin Shoulin, Hong Ruke, Huang Dajun, Pu Shihuang, Shi Congbo, Duan Zilin, Ma Di, Chen Lijuan. The Effects of Nitrogen Fertilizer Reduction and Transplanting Density on Yield and Eating Quality of Japonica Hybrid Rice Dianheyou 615 [J]. Crops, 2023, 39(3): 109-115. |
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[10] | Song Chunyan, Wan Yunfan, Li Yu’e, Cai Andong, Hu Yanyan, Zhou Hui, Zhu Bo, Wang Bin. Relationships between Tiller Dynamic, Earbearing Tiller Rate and Yield of Double Cropping Rice under Elevated Temperature and CO2 Concentration [J]. Crops, 2023, 39(3): 159-166. |
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[13] | Wang Rongsheng, Mu Fengchen, Li Kun, Zhang Wei, Liu Hui, Ding Guohua, Yang Guang, Wang Nanbo, Zhang Guomin, Liu Yuming, Tao Yongqing. Comprehensive Analysis of Milling Quality and Eating Quality of Japonica Rice in Cold Region [J]. Crops, 2023, 39(2): 115-120. |
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[15] | Liu Yu, Cao Jialin, Xiao Zhengwu, Zhang Mingyu, Chen Jia’na, Cao Fangbo, Huang Min. Effects of Nitrogen Application Rates on Yield and Nitrogen Use Efficiency of Super Hybrid Rice Y-liangyou 900 [J]. Crops, 2023, 39(2): 126-130. |