Crops ›› 2024, Vol. 40 ›› Issue (2): 198-205.doi: 10.16035/j.issn.1001-7283.2024.02.024

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Effects of Plant Growth Regulator S3307 on Physiological Metabolism of Mung Bean

Zhang Ruipu1(), Wang Na2, Wang Kexin1, Liu Jindong1, Gao Xiaoli1()   

  1. 1College of Agronomy, Northwest Agriculture and Forestry University, Yangling 712100, Shaanxi, China
    2Weinan Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Weinan 714000, Shaanxi, China
  • Received:2023-02-16 Revised:2023-02-28 Online:2024-04-15 Published:2024-04-15


In order to explain the effect of plant growth regulator S3307 on carbohydrate metabolism and nitrogen metabolism of mung bean in the source-sink theory, “Ji 0816mao-3” and “Anlv 7”, two mung bean varieties with different genotypes, were used as experimental materials. At the first flowering stage of mung bean, 60 mg/L plant growth regulator uniconazole (S3307) was sprayed on leaf surface of mung bean, and the same amount of water was sprayed as the control (CK). The results showed that, the chlorophyll contents in the testing mung bean leaves and pod shells were significantly increased after foliar spraying of S3307 at the initial flowering stage. The contents of sucrose, reducing sugar and soluble sugar in the leaves and the contents of soluble sugar, starch and total sugar in the pod shells of the two varieties of mung bean decreased in the middle granulation period, and increased in the later granulation period compared with the CK. Spraying S3307 treatment increased the contents of sucrose, starch and total sugar in the testing mung bean seeds. The reducing sugar contents in the seeds of the two mung bean varieties with different genotypes changed differently after spraying. The results of related indicators of nitrogen metabolism showed that the contents of soluble protein and total nitrogen in the testing mung bean leaves, pod shells and seeds increased in the granulation stage. In conclusion, plant growth regulator S3307 could promote the synthesis and export of assimilates at the source organs in the mid granulation stage, increase the accumulation of assimilates at the sink organ, and at the same time increase the accumulation of nitrogen in various organs of mung bean. Plant growth regulator S3307 can increase the source and expand the sink by regulating the carbohydrate metabolism and nitrogen metabolism of mung bean.

Key words: Plant growth regulator, S3307, Mung bean, Source and sink, Metabolism


Effects of S3307 on chlorophyll contents of source organs of mung bean Different lowercase letters indicate significant difference at 0.05 level. The same below."


Effects of S3307 on sucrose contents of source and sink organs of mung bean"


Effects of S3307 on soluble sugar contents of source and sink organs of mung bean"


Effects of S3307 on starch contents of source and sink organs of mung bean"


Effects of S3307 on reducing sugar content of source and sink organs of mung bean"


Effects of S3307 on total sugar contents of source and sink organs of mung bean"


Effects of S3307 on total nitrogen contents of source and sink organs of mung bean"


Effects of S3307 on soluble protein content of source and sink organs of mung bean"

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