Crops ›› 2016, Vol. 32 ›› Issue (1): 86-92.doi: 10.16035/j.issn.1001-7283.2016.01.016

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Effects of Sowing Rate on Yield and Photosynthetic Characteristics of Drill-Seeded Japonica Rice in North Cold Region

Dong Liqiang,Ye Jing,Wang Shu,Jia Baoyan,Huang Yuancai,Wang Yan   

  1. College of Agronomy, Shenyang Agricultural University/Key Laboratory of Northeastern Rice Biology and Genetic Breeding, Ministry of Agriculture, Shenyang 110866, Liaoning, China
  • Received:2015-11-17 Revised:2016-01-08 Online:2016-02-15 Published:2018-08-25
  • Contact: Shu Wang


In order to study the effects of sowing rate of drill-seeded rice on yield, dry matter accumulation and distribution, and photosynthetic characteristics, a field experiment was conducted with conventional japonica rice varieties Jilong 868 and Tonghe 833. The results showed that, the yield appeared a trend of first increasing and then decreasing with the increase of sowing rate. For the highest yield of Jilong 868 and Tonghe 833, the seeding rates were 1.5×10 6/hm 2 and 1.2×10 6/hm 2, respectively. With the increase of sowing rate, the effective panicles increased firstly and then decreased, total flowers and grains per panicle were reduced, while 1000-grain weight changed little. The number of main stems and tillers of two varieties at jointing stage increased as the sowing rates increased. When the yield reached the maximum level, dry matter accumulation of both single culm and population dry matter accumulation at maturity reached the highest value and also the dry matter accumulation and population growth rate from heading to maturity were the highest. As sowing rate increased, the SPAD of flag leaf and reciprocal second leaf, net photosynthetic rate declined. The results showed that the controlling the sowing rate to ensure adequate planting density not only could optimize the population structure, but also improve photosynthetic efficiency, and achieve higher yield.

Key words: Japonica rice, Drill seeding, Sowing rate, Yield, Photosynthetic characteristics

Table 1

Yields and yield components of drill-seeded rice under different sowing rates"

Sowing rate
Effective panicles
Spikelets per
Full grain
Seeding set rate(%)
吉隆868Jilong868 120 374.8d 108.8a 92.9a 85.4b 25.02a 8 308.6c
150 392.6c 106.0a 92.4a 87.2ab 24.99a 8 877.8b
180 420.7b 101.4b 92.1a 90.8a 24.83a 9 487.7a
210 456.3a 90.7c 77.2b 85.1b 24.82a 8 347.6c
240 453.3a 88.0c 75.1b 85.3b 24.75a 8 227.2c
通禾833Tonghe833 120 300.7d 145.2a 112.5a 77.5b 25.52a 8 426.8bc
150 334.8c 132.2b 109.0a 82.5a 25.43a 9 064.6a
180 374.8a 120.9c 95.2b 78.7b 25.31a 8 669.2b
210 368.9ab 116.4d 90.8b 78.0b 25.35a 8 189.9cd
240 364.4b 114.6d 88.7b 77.4b 25.34a 7 951.4d


Number of stems and tillers and productive panicle rates of drill-seeded rices under different sowing rates at jointing stage"


Dry matter weight per stem and population of drill-seeded rice under different sowing rates"

Table 2

Phase accumulation and population growth rate of drill-seeded rice under different sowing rates"

Sowing rate
Phase accumulation(t/hm2)
Population growth rate [g/(m2·d)]
Phase accumulation ratio to total(%)
吉隆868 120 7.30b 5.95ab 24.33b 10.62ab 45.04a 36.70ab
Jilong868 150 7.67b 6.51a 25.56b 11.63a 44.70a 37.97a
180 8.40ab 7.36a 28.00ab 13.15a 44.78a 39.26a
210 8.84a 6.89a 29.48a 12.30a 47.59a 37.06a
240 7.76b 5.05b 25.87b 9.02b 49.81a 32.42b
通禾833 120 7.80b 5.85c 26.91b 10.45c 46.35ab 34.76bc
Tonghe833 150 7.83b 7.72a 26.99b 13.78a 41.72b 41.14a
180 8.38a 6.83b 28.91a 12.20b 45.55ab 37.12ab
210 8.02ab 6.23bc 27.66ab 11.12bc 46.23ab 35.89b
240 7.67b 4.65d 26.45b 8.31d 50.19a 30.44c

Table 3

Dry matter exportation of leaves,culm and sheath per shoot of drill-seeded rice under different sowing rates"

Sowing rate
单茎叶片干物质Leaves dry matter per shoot 单茎茎鞘干物质Culm and sheath dry matter per shoot
抽穗期Heading(g) 成熟期Maturity(g) 表观转运量Exportation(g) 表观转运率Export rate(%) 抽穗期Heading(g) 成熟期Maturity(g) 表观转运量Exportation(g) 表观转运率Export rate(%)
吉隆868 120 0.57a 0.43b 0.13a 23.40a 1.16a 0.99b 0.17ab 14.93ab
Jilong868 150 0.54ab 0.49a 0.06b 10.64b 1.16ab 1.01b 0.15ab 13.03bc
180 0.52bc 0.49a 0.03b 5.99b 1.14ab 1.06a 0.08b 7.21c
210 0.51cd 0.41b 0.10a 19.06a 1.10b 0.89c 0.20a 18.63ab
240 0.49d 0.38c 0.11a 22.05a 1.00c 0.78d 0.22a 22.13a
通禾833 120 0.74a 0.65a 0.09b 12.19b 1.69a 1.21b 0.48a 28.35ab
Tonghe833 150 0.71b 0.67a 0.04c 5.66c 1.57b 1.36a 0.21b 13.27c
180 0.70c 0.47b 0.22a 32.01a 1.57b 1.15b 0.43a 27.12b
210 0.68d 0.45b 0.22a 33.19a 1.50c 1.03c 0.47a 31.49ab
240 0.63e 0.41c 0.22a 34.87a 1.33d 0.87d 0.46a 34.53a

Table 4

Leaf area index,photosynthetic potential and net assimilation of drill-seeded rice under different sowing rates"

Sowing rate
Leaf area index
Decay rate of leaf area (LAI/d)
Photosynthetic potential (m2·d)
Net assimilation rate [g/(m2·d)]
抽穗期Heading 成熟期Maturity 拔节期-抽穗期
吉隆868 120 2.90d 5.69b 1.92a 0.0674b 128.90c 213.14b 5.88a 3.06a
Jilong868 150 3.18c 6.48a 1.95a 0.0808a 144.89b 236.07a 5.52a 3.08a
180 3.25bc 6.57a 2.00a 0.0816a 147.22ab 239.76a 5.94a 3.43a
210 3.58a 6.61a 1.95a 0.0832a 152.78a 239.63a 5.98a 3.22a
240 3.49ab 6.52a 1.95a 0.0815a 150.21ab 237.24a 5.34a 2.37b
通禾833 120 2.66bc 5.53b 2.19a 0.0597b 118.80b 216.12b 6.84a 2.91b
Tonghe833 150 2.74b 6.20a 2.19a 0.0715a 129.64a 234.89a 6.36a 3.58a
180 3.09a 6.21a 2.20a 0.0716a 134.83a 235.41a 6.48a 3.15b
210 2.97a 6.16a 2.18a 0.0711a 132.34a 233.59a 6.33a 2.90b
240 2.92ab 5.61b 2.18a 0.0611b 123.58b 218.09b 6.42a 2.29c


SPAD and net photosynthetic rate of drill-seeded rice under different sowing rates"

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