Crops ›› 2016, Vol. 32 ›› Issue (3): 79-83.doi: 10.16035/j.issn.1001-7283.2016.03.015

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Effects of CO2 Supplements on Photosynthesis of Potato Plants and Micro Tuber Yield

Zhao Jingyu1,Liu Guangjing2,Cui Shimao1,Qin Yonglin1,Jia Liguo1,Fan Mingshou1   

  1. 1College of Agronomy,Inner Mongolia Agricultural University,Hohhot 010019,Inner Mongolia,China
    2Inner Mongolia Zhongjia Agricultural Biotechnology Co.,Ltd,Siziwang Banner 011808,Inner Mongolia,China
  • Received:2016-04-12 Revised:2016-05-11 Online:2016-06-15 Published:2018-08-26
  • Contact: Mingshou Fan


The effects of CO2 supplements on photosynthetic characteristics and the micro tuber yield of the transplanted tissue-cultural potato plants were studied under the condition of the greenhouse using cultivar Shepody in 2015. The results showed that the leaf area, net photosynthetic rate and intercellular CO2 concentration with CO2 supplements were greater than those of treated with air(CK), and 750μmol/mol>550μmol/mol>CK(air). But the stomatal conductance and transpiration rate with CO2 supplements were lower than those of CK. In addition, the tuber number and tuber weight per plant treated with increasing CO2 were higher than those of CK. The results fully proved that CO2 supplements are of positive significance on micro tuber propagation via tissue-cultural potato plants under the condition of greenhouse.

Key words: Potato, CO2 supplement, Photosynthesis, Micro tuber yield


批次Batch CO2浓度(μmol/mol)
栽苗后天数Days after transplanting(d)
15 30 45 60 77 81
第一批The first batch 370 35.26a 85.24a 110.41b 175.33b 128.47b -
550 38.88a 97.50a 159.78a 219.40a 190.65a -
750 39.35a 97.56a 175.60a 247.22a 200.58a -
第二批The second batch 370 29.02a 96.93b 182.50b 247.96b - 206.53b
550 33.51a 124.18a 207.60a 255.01a - 246.68a
750 35.98a 126.01a 215.36a 256.05a - 249.93a

Table 2

Net photosynthetic rate of potato plants under different CO2 concentration μmolCO2/(m2·s)"

批次Batch CO2浓度(μmol/mol)
CO2 concentration
栽苗后天数Days after transplanting(d)
15 30 45 60 81
第一批The first batch 370 5.01b 16.82b 17.94c 13.25c -
550 8.87a 22.13a 21.23b 16.67b -
750 9.33a 22.22a 24.69a 24.56a -
第二批The second batch 370 15.54b 18.36b 16.11c 9.69c 9.19c
550 19.01b 19.60b 19.77b 13.62b 12.50b
750 22.77a 24.35a 25.56a 19.14a 18.67a

Table 3

Stomatal conductance of potato plants under different CO2 concentration mol/(m2·s)"

批次Batch CO2浓度(μmol/mol)
CO2 concentration
栽苗后天数Days after transplanting(d)
15 30 45 60 81
第一批The first batch 370 0.24a 0.27a 0.36a 0.29a -
550 0.23a 0.23b 0.31b 0.27b -
750 0.19b 0.22b 0.29b 0.25b -
第二批The second batch 370 0.27a 0.28a 0.35a 0.33a 0.28a
550 0.24b 0.25b 0.30b 0.28b 0.20b
750 0.23b 0.24b 0.28b 0.25b 0.17b

Table 4

Intercellular CO2 concertration of potato plants under different CO2 concentration μmol/mol"

批次Batch CO2浓度(μmol/mol)
栽苗后天数Days after transplanting(d)
15 30 45 60 81
第一批The first batch 370 278.17c 288.96c 295.93c 298.33c -
550 348.80b 401.48b 405.71b 414.95b -
750 419.13a 537.38a 552.22a 564.27a -
第二批The second batch 370 224.19c 228.54c 232.67c 301.29c 298.25c
550 329.63b 403.59b 408.23b 487.29b 456.00b
750 448.38a 568.92a 576.67a 620.42a 567.71a

Table 5

Transpiration rate of potato plants under different CO2 concentration mol/(m2·s)"

批次Batch CO2浓度(μmol/mol)
栽苗后天数Days after transplanting(d)
15 30 45 60 81
第一批The first batch 370 3.81a 5.53a 7.75a 5.61a -
550 3.77a 5.50a 7.20a 5.08a -
750 3.10b 4.51b 6.20b 5.03a -
第二批The second batch 370 5.72a 5.84a 6.92a 5.00a 3.36a
550 5.32a 5.40a 6.56a 4.58a 3.19a
750 4.45b 4.63b 5.22b 4.45a 3.13a

Table 6

Tuber number and tuber weight of potato plants under different CO2 concentration"

批次Batch CO2浓度(μmol/mol)
Tuber number per plant
Weight per tuber
Tuber yield per plant
第一批The first batch 370 2.02c 11.38b 23.02c
550 2.16b 13.79a 29.44b
750 2.38a 14.69a 34.94a
第二批The second batch 370 1.98c 12.82b 25.34c
550 2.42b 13.41ab 32.42b
750 2.87a 13.98a 39.96a
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