Crops ›› 2017, Vol. 33 ›› Issue (3): 157-161.doi: 10.16035/j.issn.1001-7283.2017.03.028

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Effects of Two Herbicides and Application Dosage on Growth and Antioxidase Activities of Flag Leaf in Wheat

Wang Junhong1,Pei Xuexia2,Dang Jianyou2,Wu Xueping3   

  1. 1 Ruicheng County Agricultural Committee Technology Extension Station,Ruicheng 044600,Shanxi,China
    2 Wheat Research Institute,Shanxi Academy of Agricultural Sciences,Linfen 041000,Shanxi,China
    3 Institute of Agricultural Resources and Regional Planning,Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences,Beijing 100081,China
  • Received:2017-01-22 Revised:2017-04-27 Online:2017-06-15 Published:2018-08-26
  • Contact: Jianyou Dang


In order to study the damage of overuse of herbicide on wheat, effects of two herbicides, 10% tribenuron-methyl wettable powder and mesosulfuron (3g/L mesosulfuron and 280g/L Alkyl ethyl sulfonate), under normal and double dosage, on growth and photosynthetic characteristics of flag leaf in wheat were determined through field experiment. Results showed that effects of two herbicides on tiller dynamic, photosynthetic characteristic of flag leaf, antioxidase activities of flag leaf, yield components, and yield of wheat under normal dosage were lower than those under double dosage. Effects of tribenuron-methyl was lower than that of mesosulfuron. Tribenuron-methyl under normal dosage had no effect on growth, photosynthetic characteristics, antioxidase activities and grain yield. Tribenuron-methyl and mesosulfuron under double dosage decreased the grain yield because growth was inhibited. Yield reduction by mesosulfuron under double dosage was 307.4kg/hm 2, reduction rate of 4.62%, which was the highest among all the treatments. Spikes were decreased by mesosulfuron under normal dosage, but grain yield was increased, because photosynthetic characteristics and antioxidase activities of flag leaf increased during later filling stage and flag leaf functional period prolonged, kernels per spike and 1000-kernel weight increased. So chemical weeding herbicides in wheat field should be used in accordance with the prescribed dosage strictly to avoid harming to wheat by excessive dosage.

Key words: Wheat, Herbicide, Dosage, Yield, Photosynthetic characteristic, Antioxidase activity

Table 1

Effects of herbicides and dosages on the number of stems and tillers per plant"

Basic seedling
越冬期 Pre-winter 拔节期Jointing stage
Stem number
Tiller number per plant
Stem number
Tiller number per plant
T1 338.5±6.5a 854.1±33.5a 2.525±0.147a 1 346.9±36.9ab 3.979±0.033a
T2 330.4±3.6a 851.6±23.6a 2.578±0.100a 1 332.3±43.2ab 4.041±0.087a
M1 342.4±12.3a 862.3±39.8a 2.523±0.207a 1 286.4±16.9bc 3.758±0.027b
M2 345.6±15.6a 858.9±44.6a 2.492±0.242a 1 238.5±34.6c 3.585±0.062c
CK 337.9±6.2a 848.6±26.4a 2.513±0.125a 1 352.3±28.8a 4.002±0.012a

Table 2

Effects of herbicides and dosage on grain yield and yield components"

Plant height
Spike number
Kernel number per spike
1000-kernel weight
Grain yield
T1 78.92±4.3a 588.4±17.6ab 35.4±0.5b 37.89±0.14c 6 628.6±55.4b
T2 78.31±3.22ab 578.8±21.3bc 35.6±1.1b 37.68±0.16d 6 498.7±46.2c
M1 77.28±3.95b 575.2±28.7c 36.4±0.8ab 38.46±0.22a 6 765.2±75.6a
M2 74.68±2.46c 557.9±26.4d 37.2±0.5a 37.26±0.09e 6 346.9±89.6d
CK 79.05±3.46a 591.6±13.7a 35.3±0.7b 38.12±0.18b 6 654.3±67.9b

Table 3

Effects of herbicides and dosage on SPAD value of flag leaves and Pn"

SPAD值SPAD value Pn [μmolCO2/(m2·s)]
5月3日 5月8日 5月13日 5月18日 5月23日 5月28日 5月8日 5月18日 5月28日
T1 46.35±1.21a 47.35±1.16a 47.89±1.64b 46.50±1.34bc 40.25±0.96c 16.84±2.35c 19.36±0.26a 20.36±0.37bc 8.31±0.67cd
T2 45.83±0.81ab 46.12±1.52c 47.05±2.05cd 45.63±0.83c 39.93±1.67c 16.54±1.99c 19.25±0.43a 20.09±0.13cd 7.92±0.91d
M1 45.21±2.14bc 47.26±0.67ab 48.63±1.36a 47.99±1.12a 43.51±1.34a 21.30±0.86a 18.64±0.14b 21.16±0.29a 10.24±0.46a
M2 44.35±1.31c 46.66±0.76bc 46.75±0.98d 46.35±0.46bc 42.31±1.66b 18.62±1.34b 18.12±0.36c 19.89±0.54d 8.41±0.37c
CK 46.44±0.64a 47.86±1.23a 47.76±1.45bc 46.62±1.67b 40.35±0.56c 17.65±1.96bc 19.38±0.51a 20.45±0.49b 9.05±0.82b

Table 4

Effects of herbicides and dosage on antioxidase activities and MDA content of flag leaves"

SOD活性SOD activity (U/gFW) CAT活性CAT activity [U/(g·min)] MDA含量MDA content (μmol/gFW)
5月8日 5月18日 5月28日 5月8日 5月18日 5月28日 5月8日 5月18日 5月28日
T1 498.67±22.50b 435.66±26.52bc 253.64±27.36ab 4.35±0.08b 3.69±0.12b 2.26±0.13c 6.96±0.34c 10.22±0.18c 35.93±1.04b
T2 486.35±12.70b 442.10±23.85b 242.46±33.67bc 4.21±0.11c 3.51±0.06c 2.14±0.06d 7.13±0.24b 10.72±0.23b 37.42±1.03a
M1 501.55±25.40b 469.80±43.25a 268.98±28.85a 4.16±0.06c 3.82±0.09a 2.67±0.15a 6.67±0.31d 9.67±0.41d 32.91±0.31d
M2 468.90±37.60c 426.70±26.41c 231.46±9.87c 4.06±0.13d 3.49±0.15c 2.16±0.13d 7.54±0.33a 12.34±0.54a 37.49±0.24a
CK 521.40±23.59a 450.31±33.67b 267.32±36.42a 4.43±0.04a 3.73±0.11b 2.42±0.05b 6.88±0.46c 10.91±0.39b 34.64±0.89c
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