Crops ›› 2017, Vol. 33 ›› Issue (6): 84-90.doi: 10.16035/j.issn.1001-7283.2017.06.015

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Effects of Black Soil and Alluvial Soil on Nutritional Quality of Different Spring Wheat

Zhu Yingjie,Chang Xuhong,Wang Demei,Yang Yushuang,Wang Yu,Lü Bing,Ma Ruiqi,Liu Ying,Wang Yujiao,Zhao Guangcai,Tao Zhiqiang   

  1. Institute of Crop Sciences,Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences/Key Laboratory of Crop Physiology and Ecology,Ministry of Agriculture,Beijing 100081,China
  • Received:2017-08-11 Revised:2017-10-01 Online:2017-12-15 Published:2018-08-26
  • Contact: Guangcai Zhao,Zhiqiang Tao


In order to investigate the changes of grain nutritional quality in middle gluten and strong gluten spring wheat under black soil and alluvial soil, a potted experiment in greenhouse was conducted in Institute of Crop Sciences, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences in 2016-2017 to study the effect of black soil and alluvial soil on spring wheat grain protein and amino acid yield in two middle gluten varieties Nongmai4 (NM4), Nongmai5 (NM5), and two strong gluten varieties Jinqiang7 (JQ7) and Jinqiang8 (JQ8). The results showed that 1000-grain protein yield, protein component yield, and amino acid yield of spring wheat increased significantly under black soil (P<0.01) compared with alluvial soil. JQ8 had higher protein yield, protein component yield and amino acid yield than JQ7. NM5 had higher protein yield, protein component yield and amino acid yield than NM4. The interaction effect of soil×variety on 1000-grain protein yield and its components yield, and amino acid yield were significant (P<0.05). Overall, black soil was better than alluvial soil for JQ8 and NM5 to produce more grain protein and amino acids, improving the nutritional quality of strong gluten and middle gluten spring wheat.

Key words: Spring wheat, Soil type, Nutrient quality, Protein, Amino acid

Table 1

Basic nutrient of black soil and alluvial soil"

Soil type
Organic matter
Total nitrogen
Alkaline hydrolysis nitrogen
Available phosphorus
Available potassium
黑土Black soil 58.7 3.3 276.9 38.1 228.0
潮土Alluvial soil 18.5 0.8 66.0 9.7 102.0

Table 2

Grain protein yield per 1000-grain under different soil types g"

土壤类型Soil type 总蛋白质Total protein 清蛋白Albumin 球蛋白Globulin 醇溶蛋白Prolamin 谷蛋白Glutelin
黑土Black soil 5.60±0.42aA 1.12±0.05aA 0.65±0.06aA 1.10±0.07aA 2.37±0.18aA
潮土Alluvial soil 4.43±0.61bB 0.97±0.10bB 0.54±0.03bB 0.99±0.06aA 1.84±0.11bB

Table 3

Grain protein yield per 1000-grain in different varieties g"

品种Variety 总蛋白质Total protein 清蛋白Albumin 球蛋白Globulin 醇溶蛋白Prolamin 谷蛋白Glutelin
NM4 4.40±0.31bB 1.07±0.06aAB 0.53±0.01bB 0.86±0.08bB 1.72±0.26bB
NM5 4.49±0.36bB 1.16±0.07aA 0.61±0.03abAB 1.02±0.10bB 1.61±0.31bB
JQ7 5.10±0.61bAB 0.89±0.07bB 0.57±0.02bAB 0.90±0.14bB 2.44±0.28aA
JQ8 6.05±0.42aA 1.07±0.05aAB 0.69±0.08aA 1.40±0.15aA 2.65±0.21aA

Table 4

Comparison of grain protein yield and its components yield per 1000-grain in different soil types and varieties g"

土壤类型Soil type 品种Variety 总蛋白质Total protein 清蛋白Albumin 球蛋白Globulin 醇溶蛋白Prolamin 谷蛋白Glutelin
黑土Black soil NM4 4.97±0.15bcABC 1.20±0.08abAB 0.61±0.04abcAB 0.93±0.07bcBC 1.94±0.29bcABC
NM5 5.52±0.47abAB 1.31±0.15aA 0.70±0.06aA 1.15±0.13abABC 2.11±0.23abcABC
JQ7 5.50±0.54abAB 0.89±0.06cC 0.61±0.06abcAB 0.97±0.06bcBC 2.61±0.15abA
JQ8 6.40±0.44aA 1.07±0.06bcABC 0.69±0.07aA 1.45±0.06aA 2.83±0.08aA
潮土Alluvial soil NM4 3.84±0.15cdBC 0.94±0.05cBC 0.44±0.05dB 0.79±0.05cC 1.49±0.16cdBC
NM5 3.46±0.18dC 1.00±0.13bcBC 0.52±0.06cdAB 0.88±0.08bcC 1.12±0.11dC
JQ7 4.71±0.18bcdABC 0.88±0.05cC 0.53±0.07bcdAB 0.83±0.10bcC 2.28±0.21abAB
JQ8 5.71±0.46abA 1.07±0.05bcABC 0.68±0.07abA 1.36±0.08aAB 2.48±0.18abAB
Soil type
** ** ** ns **
品种Variety ** ** ** ** **
土壤类型×品种Soil type×Variety ** ** ** ** **


Total amino acid yield per 1000-grain in different soil types(A) and different varieties(B) Different small letters indicate significant difference among treatments at 0.05 level. Different capital letters indicate significant difference among treatments at 0.01 level. The same below"


Essential amino acid yield and nonessential amino acid yield per 1000-grain in different soil types(A) and different varieties(B)"

Table 5

Comparison of grain amino acid yield per 1000-grain in spring wheat under different soil types g"

土壤类型Soil type 品种Variety 总氨基酸Total amino acid 必需氨基酸Essential amino acid 非必需氨基酸Nonessential amino acid
黑土Black soil NM4 4.54±0.72abAB 1.25±0.08abAB 3.30±0.33aAB
NM5 5.14±0.51abA 1.40±0.15abA 3.74±0.35aA
JQ7 5.04±0.53abA 1.29±0.07abAB 3.75±0.28aA
JQ8 5.63±0.44aA 1.51±0.18aA 4.12±0.31aA
潮土Alluvial soil NM4 3.16±0.31cB 0.86±0.15cB 2.30±0.35bB
NM5 3.19±0.68cB 0.87±0.25cB 2.32±0.36bB
JQ7 4.29±0.49bcAB 1.09±0.28bcAB 3.20±0.40abAB
JQ8 5.27±0.52abA 1.38±0.36abA 3.89±0.43aA
Soil type
** ** **
品种 Variety ** ** **
Soil type×Variety
** ** **


Eighteen amino acids yield per 1000-grain in different soil types(A) and different varieties(B)"

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