Crops ›› 2017, Vol. 33 ›› Issue (6): 96-103.doi: 10.16035/j.issn.1001-7283.2017.06.017

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Effects of Nitrogen and Uniconazole Regulation on Lodging Resistance and Yield of Rice in Cold Region

Xiao Changliang,Xie Baosheng,Wan Andong,Wang Shiqiang,Li Chunguang,Na Yongguang   

  1. Institute of Rice Research,Heilongjiang Academy of Land Reclamation Sciences,Jiamusi 154007,Heilongjiang,China
  • Received:2017-09-05 Revised:2017-09-26 Online:2017-12-15 Published:2018-08-26
  • Contact: Yongguang Na


Taking the Kendao12 as the experimental material, 4 nitrogen levels and 2 uniconazole regulatory levels were used to study the effects of uniconazole regulation on the stem morphology and lodging characteristics of rice under different nitrogen levels. The results showed that the amount of nitrogen application on rice lodging resistance had a greater impact, with the increase of nitrogen, plant height, internode length and bending moment increased, dry weight per unit length reduced, the breaking resistance of rice stem decreased under high nitrogen treatment, rice lodging index increased. After spraying uniconazole, the plant height, internode length and bending moment of rice decreased, and the dry weight per unit length, internode diameter and stem bending resistance increased, and the lodging index of rice decreased. Under the different nitrogen levels, uniconazole regulation could effectively enhance the lodging resistance of rice, especially in higher nitrogen, which was an effective guarantee for high nitrogen cultivation of rice. In the aspect of yield and yield components, uniconazole regulation increased the effective panicle number, grain number per panicle and thousand grain weight of rice, and the yield of N3 treatment was higher after uniconazole regulation.

Key words: Lodging, Nitrogen application, Uniconazole regulation, Rice in cold region, Yield


Plant height dynamics of rice under different nitrogen application and uniconazole regulation treatments"


Lodging index under different nitrogen application and uniconazole regulation treatments Different letters within the same internodes indicate significant differences at the 5% level, D1, D2, D3 and D4 denote the first, second, third and fourth internode counted down from the panicle of rice"

Table 1

Internode length, dry weight of unit length internode and internode diameter of rice under different nitrogen application and uniconazole regulation treatment"

Uniconazole regulation
氮处理Nitrogen treatment 节间长度(cm)
Internode length
Dry weight of unit length internode
Internode diameter
D1 D2 D3 D4 D1 D2 D3 D4 D1 D2 D3 D4
T N1 24.4d 17.2d 10.0cd 4.1de 21.48a 31.14a 45.44a 86.78a 2.30a 3.17a 3.72a 4.10a
N2 24.7d 17.6d 10.7c 3.6e 20.19ab 30.15a 43.08ab 70.39b 2.21ab 3.14a 3.61ab 4.00ab
N3 25.1cd 18.0cd 9.4d 3.6e 19.01ab 27.20ab 40.42abc 57.53bc 2.22ab 3.13ab 3.52bc 3.92ab
N4 26.2c 19.1c 9.3d 4.7d 19.06ab 23.71bc 32.31cd 56.29bc 2.25ab 3.00ab 3.35cd 3.79bc
T0 N1 28.8b 22.2b 15.3b 6.0c 19.94ab 28.83a 38.75abc 58.78bc 2.14b 2.99ab 3.48bc 3.84b
N2 31.1a 23.1b 15.6ab 9.1b 18.75b 26.63ab 35.45bcd 53.42c 2.14b 3.00ab 3.48bc 3.94ab
N3 32.1a 25.2a 16.2a 9.4b 17.61bc 22.90bc 32.79cd 45.81c 2.20ab 3.04ab 3.44bc 3.84b
N4 31.5a 25.1a 16.3a 10.6a 16.29d 21.53c 28.69d 43.86c 2.14b 2.93b 3.24d 3.63c
N 8.045** 10.779** 1.063 24.909** 5.248** 9.920** 5.706** 7.556** 0.399 1.505 9.395** 6.889**
T 265.200** 319.369** 838.588** 509.215** 9.328** 8.557** 9.521** 20.405** 9.106** 7.167** 10.130** 8.768**
N×T 2.858* 1.888 7.028** 20.660** 0.318 0.234 0.211 0.965 0.978 0.284 0.707 1.023

Table 2

Breaking resistance and bending moment of rice under different nitrogen application and uniconazole regulation treatment"

Uniconazole regulation
Nitrogen treatments
抗折力Breaking resistance (N) 弯曲力矩Bending moment (cm·g)
D1 D2 D3 D4 D1 D2 D3 D4
T N1 1.2a 2.2a 4.5a 12.4abc 118.4c 193.0d 291.7c 334.1d
N2 1.1a 1.8ab 3.7ab 11.9bc 113.3c 195.2d 299.9c 324.6d
N3 1.3a 2.3a 4.5a 16.0ab 121.1bc 225.3cd 327.2c 366.6cd
N4 1.0a 1.5b 3.4bc 16.6a 114.7c 236.5bc 327.4c 401.6c
T0 N1 1.0a 1.9ab 2.7cd 8.1cd 127.3abc 253.3bc 386.8b 464.6b
N2 1.1a 1.9ab 2.7cd 5.0d 142.5a 273.1ab 423.3ab 544.0a
N3 1.1a 1.8ab 2.7cd 5.2d 144.1a 295.5a 456.8a 588.5a
N4 0.9a 1.5b 2.4d 5.3d 138.2ab 304.7a 473.6a 595.6a
N 1.119 2.649 2.431 1.099 0.890 5.693** 4.577** 8.137**
T 1.694 1.426 39.267** 61.758** 24.419** 55.487** 87.866** 151.351**
N×T 0.193 1.094 0.856 2.426 1.020 0.151 0.651 1.870

Table 3

Grain yield and yield components of rice under different nitrogen application and uniconazole regulation treatment"

Uniconazole regulation
Nitrogen fertilizer
Panicle No. per m2
Grain number per panicle
Seed setting rate
1000-grain weight
T N1 540.0b 69.4a 87.5a 27.45ab 8 959.0c
N2 584.3a 70.4a 87.6a 28.18a 10 159.6a
N3 607.5a 70.8a 90.1a 26.92b 10 427.3a
N4 611.0a 72.8a 82.8b 26.85b 9 890.7ab
T0 N1 481.0c 68.9a 90.6a 26.80b 8 036.3d
N2 508.5bc 70.4a 91.2a 26.95b 8 715.8cd
N3 540.0b 70.5a 88.9a 26.68b 9 047.7bc
N4 608.5a 72.3a 88.3a 26.65b 10 306.5a
N 21.335** 0.845 3.796* 4.261* 10.251**
T 31.675** 0.046 7.846** 10.098** 15.117**
N×T 1.747 0.005 2.062 1.747 4.069*
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