Crops ›› 2020, Vol. 36 ›› Issue (1): 173-178.doi: 10.16035/j.issn.1001-7283.2020.01.028

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Effects of Nitrogen Application Rate on Rice Growth and Yield in Liaohe Delta

Li Bo,Gong Liang,Qu Hang,Jin Dandan,Sun Wentao()   

  1. Institute of Plant Nutrition and Environmental Resources, Liaoning Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Shenyang 110161, Liaoning, China
  • Received:2019-08-06 Revised:2019-11-19 Online:2020-02-15 Published:2020-02-23
  • Contact: Wentao Sun


The Liaohe Delta, single-cropping rice region belongs to the main rice-producing area in Liaohe Plain. The local farmers rely too much on additional chemical fertilizers to improve rice yield, resulting in high input of nitrogen fertilizer and low use efficiency. Based on the biological response of rice to nitrogen in the growth cycle, the agronomic characteristics of rice including plant height, SPAD value, tillering number, and yield parameters of rice under different nitrogen fertilizer rates were investigated. The results showed that plant height, SPAD value of flag leaves and tiller numbers were positively correlated with the amount of nitrogen fertilizer. Higher Nitrogen treatment results in prolonged tillering period, which could lead to the late maturity of rice shoot. In terms of yield factors, the yields of medium and high nitrogen treatments (N210, N260 and N315) was the highest, compared to low nitrogen treatment (N160) and (N420) treatment. decreased significantly compared to them due to lack of nitrogen and nitrogen excess. The yield components of N420 treatment, including grain number per ear, rate of grain filling and 1000-grain weight, were significantly lower than those of the three treatments with higher yield. The yield and nitrogen application rate accorded with the yield-response curve of linear plus platform. According to the equation, the optimum nitrogen application rate in this area was 225kg/ha. Although nitrogen use efficiency of N210 treatment was the highest (42%), considering the nitrogen balance of soil-plant system, it was suggested that the nitrogen application rate should be between 221-235kg/ha in Liaohe River Delta. In the view of the above results, it is recommended that the reasonable threshold of nitrogen fertilizer application rate in Liaohe River Delta should be 225-235kg/ha.

Key words: Nitrogen, Rice, Growth and development, Dynamic change, Yield, Optimal nitrogen application rate

Table 1

Dynamic changes of rice plant height under different nitrogen application rates cm"

移栽后天数Days after transplanting (d)
26 47 61 68 138
N0 31.4±2.21a 44.6±1.25a 62.3±2.21a 73.8±0.88a 74.8±1.29a
N160 34.5±2.26a 48.1±2.26b 74.4±1.27b 84.7±1.23b 81.7±2.25b
N210 34.6±1.62a 49.3±2.27b 74.6±2.20bc 86.2±1.21bc 83.7±2.74b
N260 35.3±1.43a 49.2±3.24b 77.9±2.33c 87.1±1.99bc 83.4±2.86b
N315 34.9±2.26a 50.3±3.21b 77.8±2.16c 86.4±1.25bc 82.4±2.25b
N420 34.7±1.24a 52.5±1.82b 80.3±1.22cd 89.2±2.28cd 87.6±1.21c


Dynamic changes of SPAD values of flag leaves of rice under different nitrogen application rates Different letters represent significant difference at 5% level between treatments, the same below"


Dynamic changes of rice tillerings under different nitrogen application rates"


Effects of different nitrogen application rates on nitrogen accumulations (N100) of rice straw or grains S and G represent N100 of shoot and grain, respectively"

Table 2

Effects of different nitrogen application rates on rice yields and yield components"

Effective panicles
Grains per panicle
1000-grain weight
Sterile grain rate
Nitrogen accumulation
Nitrogen use efficiency
N0 228e 99.9a 28.23a 1.13a 6 705a 117d -
N160 257d 100.8a 28.18a 1.33a 9 246b 164c 38b
N210 327b 109.7cd 27.53b 1.38a 10 782d 194b 42a
N260 332a 107.9bc 27.62b 2.52b 11 031d 204ab 36bc
N315 336a 106.1bc 26.85c 2.63b 11 096d 210a 34c
N420 286c 103.1b 25.24d 7.82c 10 120c 211a 24d


The relationship between rice grain yields and nitrogen application rates"

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