Crops ›› 2021, Vol. 37 ›› Issue (1): 90-97.doi: 10.16035/j.issn.1001-7283.2021.01.013

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Canopy Characteristics of the Rice Varieties Differing in Nitrogen Use Efficiency

Shen Yong(), Xie Hao, Pan Zhudong, Zhu Kuanyu, Wang Zhiqin, Yang Jianchang()   

  1. Jiangsu Key Laboratory of Crop Genetics and Physiology/Jiangsu Key Laboratory of Crop Cultivation and Physiology/Jiangsu Co-Innovation Center for Modern Production Technology of Grain Crops/Agricultural College, Yangzhou University, Yangzhou 225009, Jiangsu, China
  • Received:2020-08-21 Revised:2020-12-10 Online:2021-02-15 Published:2021-02-23
  • Contact: Yang Jianchang;


Elucidating the canopy characteristics for nitrogen (N)-efficient rice varieties has great significance for screening N-efficient varieties. In this study, two N-efficient rice varieties Wuyunjing 30 and Lianjing 7 and two N-inefficient rice varieties Yangjing 4038 and Ningjing 1 were used and grown in the paddy field. The canopy characteristics of the two types of varieties and their relationships with grain yield and nitrogen use efficiency were investigated. Results showed that compared with N-inefficient varieties, N-efficient varieties had a higher grain yield and nitrogen use efficiency, mainly due to a larger number of total panicles and a greater filled-grain percentage, the N-efficient varieties showed greater stem-sheath weight per tiller, higher photosynthetic rate and photosynthetic nitrogen use efficiency (NUE), higher leaf thickness, specific leaf weight of the flag leaf, greater light interception rate in the middle and upper layer of a canopy, higher canopy top specific leaf N content, greater N extinction coefficient, better N-light matching degree, above-mentioned canopy traits were significantly and positively correlated with the grain yield and internal nitrogen use efficiency. These canopy traits could be considered as indexes for breeding and screening N-efficient rice varieties and for cultivating a population with high grain yield and high NUE.

Key words: Grain yield, Nitrogen use efficiency, Leaf thickness, Specific leaf weight, Light interception, Nitrogen extinction coefficient

Table 1

The growth period of tested varieties d"

Ningjing 1
155 71 56
Wuyunjing 30
154 70 58
Yangjing 4038
151 70 55
Lianjing 7
156 69 61

Table 2

Leaf thickness, leaf width and leaf angle of the rice varieties differing in nitrogen use efficiency"

叶厚Leaf thickness (mm) 叶宽Leaf width (mm) 叶角Leaf angle (°)
Flag leaf
2nd leaf
3rd leaf
Flag leaf
2nd leaf
3rd leaf
Flag leaf
2nd leaf
3rd leaf
连粳7号Lianjing 7 0.293a 0.273b 0.287a 13.7a 11.6b 11.1a 15.1b 17.3b 17.4a
武运粳30 Wuyunjing 30 0.281a 0.306a 0.283a 13.3a 13.0ab 11.0a 16.0b 17.5b 17.1a
扬粳4038 Yangjing 4038 0.260b 0.254c 0.288a 14.8a 14.7a 12.8a 18.7a 17.8b 17.7a
宁粳1号Ningjing 1 0.264b 0.271b 0.286a 14.7a 13.4ab 11.7a 19.6a 19.2a 18.7a

Table 3

Dry matter weight of various organs of the rice varieties differing in nitrogen use efficiency g/m2"

抽穗期Heading 成熟期Maturity
叶Leaf 茎鞘Stem-sheath 穗Panicle 叶Leaf 茎鞘Stem-sheath 穗Panicle
连粳7号Lianjing 7 329a 563a 356a 278a 727b 1 058a
武运粳30 Wuyunjing 30 324a 486b 365a 258a 791a 1 036a
扬粳4038 Yangjing 4038 343a 479b 341a 276a 693c 845b
宁粳1号Ningjing 1 336a 405c 339a 276a 674c 815b


Specific leaf area at different growth stages and specific leaf weight at the heading stage of top three leaves of rice varieties differing in nitrogen use efficiency Different small letters indicate significant difference between varieties (P < 0.05), NS: No significant difference, the same below"


Stem-sheath weight and leaf area per tiller of rice varieties differing in nitrogen use efficiency at heading stage"

Table 4

Nitrogen contents in various organs of the rice varieties differing in nitrogen use efficiency %"

抽穗期Heading 成熟期Maturity

Stem- sheath


Stem- sheath

Lianjing 7
1.27a 0.92c 1.20b 0.86b 0.53bc 1.03c
Wuyunjing 30
1.05c 1.01b 1.12c 0.82c 0.51c 0.98d
Yangjing 4038
1.29a 1.12a 1.35a 0.91a 0.57a 1.11b
Ningjing 1
1.15b 1.01b 1.20b 0.93a 0.57a 1.13a

Table 5

Nitrogen accumulation amounts in various organs of the rice varieties differing in nitrogen use efficiency kg/hm2"

抽穗期Heading 成熟期Maturity

Stem- sheath


Stem- sheath

Lianjing 7
41.8ab 44.9c 42.7a 23.8ab 38.3a 109.0a
Wuyunjing 30
34.0c 56.9a 40.9b 21.0b 40.6a 102.0a
Yangjing 4038
44.2a 45.4c 40.6b 25.2a 39.7a 93.8b
Ningjing 1
38.6b 48.4b 40.7b 25.7a 38.7a 92.1b


Leaf photosynthetic rate, specific leaf N content, and photosynthetic NUE of rice varieties differing in nitrogen use efficiency"


Light interception rate and specific leaf N content in the canopy of rice varieties differing in nitrogen use efficiency at heading stage"

Table 6

Light and nitrogen matching degree of the rice varieties differing nitrogen use efficiency at heading stage"

品种Variety KL(m2/m2) KN(m2/m2) KN/KL N0(g/cm2)
Lianjing 7
0.346a 0.118a 0.347a 1.68a
Wuyunjing 30
0.347a 0.116a 0.340a 1.70a
Yangjing 4038
0.355a 0.102b 0.287b 1.55b
Ningjing 1
0.352a 0.098b 0.278b 1.53b

Table 7

Nitrogen use efficiency and nitrogen transfer of the tested rice varieties"

品种Variety 总吸氮量Total N uptake (kg/hm2) PFPN(kg/kg) IEN(kg/kg) HIN(%) NT(kg/hm2) NTE(%)
连粳7号Lianjing 7 165a 51.9a 56.7a 60.0a 29.1a 33.8a
武运粳30 Wuyunjing 30 163a 50.9a 56.3a 61.5a 29.3a 32.2a
扬粳4038 Yangjing 4038 158b 45.8b 52.2b 56.2b 22.6b 26.0c
宁粳1号Ningjing 1 155b 45.2b 52.5b 55.8b 24.7b 27.6b

Table 8

Grain yield and its components of the rice varieties differing in nitrogen use efficiency"

Yield (t/hm2)
Spikelets per panicle
Total spikelets (×103/m2)
Filled grain percentage (%)
1000-grain weight (g)
连粳7号Lianjing 7 9.35a 257a 149a 38.2a 90.3a 28.2a
武运粳30 Wuyunjing 30 9.17a 252a 150a 37.8a 90.2a 27.3a
扬粳4038 Yangjing 4038 8.20b 247a 140b 34.6b 88.2b 28.2a
宁粳1号Ningjing 1 8.04b 250a 136b 34.0b 86.1b 27.3a

Table 9

Correlation coefficients of main canopy traits with the grain yield and IEN at the stages of heading and maturity"

Growth stage
Canopy trait
成熟期 茎鞘含氮率 -0.898* -0.898*
Maturity 叶含氮率 -0.966* -0.977*
穗含氮率 -0.906* -0.899
抽穗期 单茎茎鞘重 -0.957* -0.985**
Heading 比叶面积 -0.916* -0.910*
光合氮素利用效率 -0.995** -0.973*
剑叶叶厚 -0.956* -0.965*
冠层顶部氮含量 -0.948** -0.966**
剑叶比叶重 -0.902* -0.831*
剑叶叶角 -0.995* -0.970*
L1L2光截获量 -0.956** -0.945**
光氮匹配度(KN/KL -0.988** -0.988**
氮消减系数(KN -0.899** -0.944**
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