Crops ›› 2021, Vol. 37 ›› Issue (1): 82-89.doi: 10.16035/j.issn.1001-7283.2021.01.012
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Yang Juan1,2(), Jiang Yangming3, Zhou Fang1, Zhang Jun1, Luo Haideng1, Tian Shanjun1(
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[1] | Liu Jianzhao, Yuan Jingchao, Liang Yao, He Yu, Zhang Shuimei, Shi Haipeng, Cai Hongguang, Ren Jun. Analysis of Field Verification and Benefit on Full Maize Straw Returning with Deep Plowing Mode [J]. Crops, 2021, 37(2): 135-139. |
[2] | Shen Jie, Wang Yuguo, Guo Pingyi, Yuan Xiangyang. Effects of Humic Acid on Ascorbate-Glutathione Cycle in the Leaves of Foxtail Millet Seedlings under Drought Stress [J]. Crops, 2021, 37(2): 173-177. |
[3] | Li Zhongnan, Wang Yueren, Wu Shenghui, Liu Liwei, Qu Haitao, Sun Zhenyu, Li Guangfa. Preliminary Study on Inheritance of Haploid Natural Double Pollen Seeding Ability in Maize [J]. Crops, 2021, 37(2): 57-61. |
[4] | Zhang Xuepeng, Li Teng, Wang Biao, Liu Qing, Liu Hanyu, Tao Zhiqiang, Sui Peng. Study on High Temperature Stress Threshold of Maize Leaves [J]. Crops, 2021, 37(2): 62-70. |
[5] | Han Duohong, Wang Enjun, Zhang Yong, Wang Hongxia, Wang Yan, Wang Fu. Effects of Exogenous Spermidine and Glycine Betaine on Seed Germination and Physiological Characteristics of Isatis indigotica Fort. Seedlings under Drought Stress [J]. Crops, 2021, 37(1): 118-123. |
[6] | Li Ruijie, Yan Peng, Wang Qingyan, Xu Yanli, Lu Lin, Dong Zhiqiang, Zhang Fenglu. Effects of 5-Aminolevulinic Acid and Ethephon on Photosynthetic Physiology of Leaves and Yield of Spring Maize in Northeast China [J]. Crops, 2021, 37(1): 135-142. |
[7] | Liu Jiamin, Wang Yang, Chu Xu, Qi Xin, Wang Manman, Zhao Ya'nan, Ye Youliang, Huang Yufang. Effects of Planting Density and Nitrogen Application Rate on Annual Yield and Nitrogen Use Efficiency of Wheat-Maize Rotation System [J]. Crops, 2021, 37(1): 143-149. |
[8] | Liu Yan, Gong Liang, Xing Yuehua, Bao Hongjing. Study on the Optimization of Organic-Inorganic Fertilization Model for Maize Based on Orthogonal Design [J]. Crops, 2021, 37(1): 168-174. |
[9] | Qi Jianshuang, Xia Laikun, Huang Bao, Li Chunying, Ma Zhiyan, Ding Yong, Gu Limin, Zhang Jun, Zhang Fengqi, Mu Xinyuan, Tang Baojun, Zhao Faxin, Zhang Lanxun. Discussion on the Application in the Regional Experiment of Maize Varieties by Entropy DTOPSIS Mode and Grey Situation Decision Methods [J]. Crops, 2021, 37(1): 60-67. |
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[11] | Deng Wanyue, Leng Qiuyan, Yang Zaijun, Yu Yan, Wu Yichao. Effects of Simulated Drought Stress on the Physiological Indexes and Contents of Active Components of Potted "Chuandanshen 1" [J]. Crops, 2021, 37(1): 74-81. |
[12] | Dong Huaiyu, Dong Zhi, Liu Kejie, Wang Lijuan, Liu Peibin, Hou Zhiyan. Effects of Different Maize Straw Returning Modeson Occurrence of Main Diseases of Maize [J]. Crops, 2020, 36(6): 104-108. |
[13] | Lin Miao, Zhang Qiuzhi, Shi Liyu, Liu Bei, Wang Hongwu, Pan Jinbao. Genome-Wide Association Study of Digestibility of Straw in Maize [J]. Crops, 2020, 36(6): 23-29. |
[14] | Jian Liqun, Zhang Yifei, Yang Kejun, Wang Yufeng, Chen Tianyu, Zhang Jiwei, Zhang Jinsong, Li Qing, Liu Tianhao, Xiao Shanshan, Peng Cheng, Wang Baosheng. Effects of Low Temperature under Different Phases between Sowing and Seedling Periods on Growth and Physiological Resistance of Maize Seedlings [J]. Crops, 2020, 36(6): 61-68. |
[15] | Ren Yun, Liu Jing, Li Zhexin, Li Qiang. Root Morphology and Dry Matter Accumulation of Maize Seedlings in Response to Low Iron Stress [J]. Crops, 2020, 36(6): 69-79. |