Crops ›› 2023, Vol. 39 ›› Issue (6): 202-208.doi: 10.16035/j.issn.1001-7283.2023.06.028

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Effects of Different Potassium Sources on Potassium Accumulation, Transport and Yield Components in Potato

Xu Shihao1(), Zhao Chunbo1(), Huangfu Liyun1, Fan Xintong1, Chen Shanshan1, Han Zhongcai2, Han Yuzhu1   

  1. 1College of Horticulture, Jilin Agricultural University, Changchun 130000, Jilin, China
    2Jilin Academy of Vegetable and Flower Sciences, Changchun 130000, Jilin, China
  • Received:2022-04-09 Revised:2023-07-14 Online:2023-12-15 Published:2023-12-15


In order to explore the differences in potassium accumulation and transport and yield in potato at different growth stages under different potassium sources, the medium and late maturing variety Yanshu 4 was used as the material, and six treatments of no potassium fertilizer (CK), base fertilizer 1/2 KCl+topdressing 1/2 KCl (K1), base fertilizer 1/2 K2SO4+topdressing 1/2 K2SO4 (K2), base fertilizer 1/2 K2SO4+topdressing 1/2 KCl (K3), base fertilizer 1/2 KCl+topdressing 1/2 K2SO4 (K4), base fertilizer 1/4 KCl-1/4 K2SO4+topdressing 1/4 KCl-1/4 K2SO4 (K5) were set. The results showed that the accumulation of potassium in vegetative organs was the highest in the expansion period. The highest accumulations of leaves, stems, roots and stolons were K4, K5, K3, K3, but the highest accumulation of potassium in tubers was K5. The maximum accumulation rate of plants was the highest under the treatment of K4, and the occurrence time was the latest, which increased by 22.16%-30.64% and delayed by 1.8-6.4d compared with other treatments. The contribution rates of potassium transport in roots, stems, leaves, stolons were 5.24%-7.55%, 42.40%-62.44%, 10.09%-19.44%, 1.50%-2.25%, respectively. At the same time, the transport rate of potassium in various vegetative organs of K4 treatment was higher than that of potassium chloride or potassium sulfate alone. The number of tubers per plant under each treatment was higher than that of the CK. The yield of tubers per plant under the treatment of K5 reached 817.19g/plant, which was higher than other treatments and significantly different from the CK. At the same time, the accumulation of potassium in each organ was significantly correlated with the number of tubers per plant and yield. K5 treatment had strong potassium accumulation and transport capacity and could increase yield, at the same time, maintaining higher potassium accumulation in each organ before maturity could increase the number of tubers.

Key words: Different potassium sources, Potato, Accumulation and transport, Yield

Table 1


钾积累量Potassium accumulation 器官
钾积累量Potassium accumulation
30d 45d 60d 75d 90d 30d 45d 60d 75d 90d
K1 0.690b 0.843b 1.206bc 1.052bc 0.687ab 根Root K4 0.228d 0.247d 0.416b 0.371b 0.119d
K2 0.584d 0.722c 1.324ab 1.102ab 0.577d K5 0.287b 0.304b 0.410b 0.335c 0.119d
K3 0.615c 0.755c 1.076c 0.935cd 0.663c 地下茎
K1 0.012d 0.040b 0.105e 0.093d 0.035d
K4 0.778a 0.956a 1.398a 1.219a 0.697a K2 0.015cd 0.059ab 0.111d 0.095d 0.047c
K5 0.614cd 0.773c 1.156c 0.883d 0.673bc K3 0.031a 0.065a 0.139a 0.125a 0.051ab
K1 1.050a 2.173a 3.058c 3.160a 1.773a K4 0.022b 0.063a 0.132b 0.118b 0.049bc
K2 0.760bc 1.730c 2.871d 2.667d 1.121c K5 0.017c 0.060ab 0.123c 0.102c 0.053a
K3 0.750bc 1.558d 3.303b 2.877b 0.893d 块茎
K1 0.707c 0.831e 1.513e 3.001e
K4 0.703c 1.424e 3.349b 2.335e 0.889d K2 0.632d 1.601b 1.991d 3.802d
K5 0.800b 2.011b 3.717a 2.822c 1.460b K3 0.967a 1.689a 3.541a 4.134b
根Root K1 0.245c 0.266c 0.360c 0.310cd 0.206b K4 0.429e 1.319c 2.994b 3.972c
K2 0.212e 0.249d 0.396b 0.276d 0.155c K5 0.910b 1.230d 2.460c 4.670a
K3 0.305a 0.324a 0.452a 0.417a 0.214a

Table 2

Logistic model and its parameters for potato potassium content"

Regression equation
R2 最大速率[g/(株·天)]
Maximum rate [g/(plant·d)]
Days of maximum rate (d)
K1 y=9.637/(1+40.09e-0.0767x) 0.782 0.185 48.1
K2 y=9.096/(1+38.11e-0.0761x) 0.954 0.173 47.8
K3 y=12.04/(1+17.21e-0.0603x) 0.821 0.182 47.2
K4 y=11.54/(1+66.36e-0.07831x) 0.919 0.226 53.6
K5 y=12.29/(1+17.94e-0.05619x) 0.843 0.173 51.4


Potassium accumulation rate of potato under different potassium treatments"

Table 3

Potato vegetative organs potassium transport capacity, transport rate and contribution rate of transported potassium to tuber potassium accumulation"

Potassium translocation (g/plant)
Potassium transfer rate (%)
Contribution rate of potassium transport to tuber (%)






K1 0.16c 1.27d 0.53b 0.07b 43.75d 56.35a 43.48c 63.23a 5.25d 42.40e 17.48b 2.25a
K2 0.24b 1.74c 0.74a 0.06b 61.08b 60.71b 50.63b 56.49a 6.36b 45.84d 19.44a 1.66b
K3 0.24b 2.42a 0.42c 0.09a 52.98c 73.28a 38.75d 56.49a 5.79c 58.54b 10.09c 2.15a
K4 0.30a 2.48a 0.71a 0.08a 72.00a 74.05a 55.83a 63.41a 7.55a 62.44a 17.82b 2.10a
K5 0.25b 2.26b 0.49b 0.07b 59.67b 60.75b 42.08c 57.03a 5.24d 48.35c 10.42c 1.50b


Potassium distribution ratio of different organs in main growth period of potato"


Effects of different potassium sources on tuber number and yield per plant Different lowercase letters indicate significant difference among different treatments at 5% level"

Table 4

Correlation of tuber number and tuber yield per plant with potassium accumulation in different organs"

Yield trait

Plants (without tubers)
Plants (with tubers)
单株结薯数Tuber number per plant 0.98** 0.90* 0.93** 0.81* 0.86* 0.95** 0.93**
单株结薯产量Tuber yield per plant 0.94** 0.93** 0.95** 0.98** 0.92** 0.93** 0.97**
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