Crops ›› 2016, Vol. 32 ›› Issue (2): 108-111.doi: 10.16035/j.issn.1001-7283.2016.02.020

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Effects of Planting Density and Fertilization on Growth and Yield of Hybrid Rice under Longer Seedling-Age and Late-Transplantation after Rapeseed

Yu Kangning,Tao Shishun,Zhang Rongping,Ma Peng   

  1. School of Life Science and Engineering,Southwest University of Science and Technology,Mianyang 621010,Sichuan,China
  • Received:2015-12-09 Revised:2016-01-18 Online:2016-04-15 Published:2018-08-26
  • Contact: Shishun Tao


Using hybrid rice F-you 498 as material, by designing a field experiment of 4 transplantation densities and 3 fertilization quantity, the growth and yield of hybrid rice under longer seedling-age and late-transplantation after rapeseed was studied. The result showed that there were the same tiller number, economic traits and yield when the density increased from 105 000 holes/hm 2 to 180 000 holes/hm 2 or 217 500 holes/hm 2, and the fertilization quantity decreased from 12.5% to 25.0%. It showed that the increase of planting density properly could benefit for decreasing fertilizer application and getting higher production under the situation of lower artificial planting density.

Key words: Hybrid rice, Planting density, Fertilization, Growth, Yield

Table 1

The observation results of tiller number and economic characters of rice under different treatments"

Max tiller No.
Spike rate
Seed No.
Grain No.
Seed-setting rate(%)
1000 grain weight(g)
Panicle weight(g)
Harvest index
A1B1 233.9a 153.7a 65.7a 230.0a 198.9a 86.5a 29.6a 5.89a 0.48a
A1B2 229.8a 143.4b 62.4a 236.8a 204.3a 86.3a 29.5a 6.03a 0.49a
A1B3 224.8a 137.8b 61.3a 235.0a 200.5a 85.3a 29.5a 5.91a 0.51a
A2B1 292.5a 188.1a 64.3a 201.2a 171.4a 85.2a 29.4a 5.04a 0.49a
A2B2 277.0b 174.8b 63.1a 207.4a 177.6a 85.6a 29.3a 5.20a 0.49a
A2B3 260.6b 164.7b 63.2a 209.6a 179.4a 85.6a 29.4a 5.27a 0.51a
A3B1 337.6a 208.3a 61.7a 178.0b 145.6b 81.8a 29.8a 4.34b 0.50a
A3B2 327.6b 205.4a 62.7a 184.1ab 156.1ab 84.8a 29.2a 4.56ab 0.49a
A3B3 310.0c 192.5b 62.1a 193.3a 163.8a 84.7a 29.3a 4.80a 0.51a
A4B1 356.8a 214.8a 60.2a 175.9b 141.1b 80.2a 29.5a 4.16b 0.49a
A4B2 336.0b 209.3ab 62.3a 186.9a 155.5ab 83.2a 29.6a 4.60a 0.49a
A4B3 310.0c 203.7b 65.7a 184.1ab 159.2a 83.5a 29.6a 4.71a 0.48a
A1 229.5c 145.0c 63.1a 233.9a 201.2a 86.0a 29.5a 5.94a 0.49a
A2 276.7b 175.9b 63.5a 206.1b 176.1b 85.5ab 29.4a 5.17b 0.50a
A3 325.1a 202.1a 62.2a 185.1c 155.2c 83.8ab 29.4a 4.57c 0.50a
A4 334.3a 209.3a 62.7a 182.3c 151.9c 82.3b 29.6a 4.49c 0.49a
B1 305.2a 191.2a 62.9a 196.3b 164.3b 83.4a 29.6a 4.85b 0.49a
B2 292.6ab 183.2b 62.6a 203.8a 173.4ab 84.9a 29.4a 5.09ab 0.49a
B3 276.4b 174.7c 63.0a 205.5a 175.7a 84.7a 29.5a 5.17a 0.50a

Table 2

The yield of different treatment"

小区产量Yield No. of plot(kg) 5%显著水平
Significant at 5% level
Significant at 5% level
Yield order
A1B1 31.72 32.45 30.74 31.637 b B 8 793.0 9
A1B2 29.94 30.60 29.11 29.883 d C 8 305.5 11
A1B3 27.58 26.32 27.83 27.243 e D 7 572.0 12
A2B1 33.80 34.72 32.93 33.817 a A 9 397.5 1
A2B2 31.82 32.61 31.62 32.017 b B 8 898.0 6
A2B3 30.12 31.10 29.58 30.267 cd C 8 412.0 10
A3B1 31.83 32.12 31.47 31.807 b B 8 839.5 7
A3B2 33.53 34.50 33.16 33.730 a A 9 373.5 2
A3B3 33.21 33.88 32.98 33.357 a A 9 270.0 4
A4B1 31.24 32.41 31.65 31.767 b B 8 829.0 8
A4B2 33.20 34.68 33.17 33.683 a A 9 361.5 3
A4B3 32.77 33.96 32.98 33.237 a AB 9 237.0 5

Table 3

The variance analysis of the main effect of density and fertilization"

变异来源Sources of variation 自由度DOF 均方MS F值F value Sig.
区组间Block-group 2 3.242 1.583 0.057
主处理(密度)Main treatment (Density) 3 22.454 87.136** 0.000
副处理(施肥)Sub-treatment (Fertilization ) 2 6.433 26.990** 0.000
主处理×副处理Main treatment×Sub-treatment 6 7.943 33.325** 0.000
主处理×区组Main treatment×Group 6 0.258 1.081 0.414

Table 4

The analysis of average yield under different densities and fertilizations"

Average yield
Significant at
5% level
1%显著水平Significant at
1% level
A1 29.59 c C
A2 32.03 b B
A3 32.96 a A
A4 32.90 a A
B1 32.26 a A
B2 32.33 a A
B3 31.03 b B
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