Crops ›› 2016, Vol. 32 ›› Issue (2): 145-150.doi: 10.16035/j.issn.1001-7283.2016.02.027

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Effects of Nitrogen,Phosphorus and Potassium Fertilizer in Pea

Li Ling1,Yang Tao2,Zong Xuxiao2   

  1. 1 Liaoning Institute of Cash Crops,Liaoyang 111000,Liaoning,China
    2 Institute of Crop Science,Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences,Beijing 100081,China
  • Received:2015-12-17 Revised:2016-01-19 Online:2016-04-15 Published:2018-08-26
  • Contact: Xuxiao Zong


In order to explore the optimum fertilizing parameters of N, P and K in pea production, the effects of N, P, K fertilization were studied through potted experiment with the “3414”design by using a pea commercial variety Kewan 6. The accurate demand for N, P, K fertilizers in pea was clarified, and the appropriate fertilizing combination was selected. The results showed that appropriate applying quantity of N, P, K and their combination could significantly improve economic traits and yield of pea. N and K were the main nutrient factors limiting the pea yield, followed by P. Through the establishment of a functional equation, economic benefit analysis for different fertilizer treatments indicated that the most suitable amount of three fertilizers for the maximum yield of Kewan 6 were N 160.35kg/hm 2, P2O5 124.35kg/hm 2, K2O 57.45kg/hm 2, and the most suitable amount for the best economic benefit were N 169.95kg/hm 2, P2O5 4.50kg/hm 2, K2O 21.15kg/hm 2. Therefore, the application of N, P, K fertilizers of Kewan 6 should emphasize on increasing N with appropriate P and K.

Key words: Pea, N,P,K fertilizer, “3414” experimental design;, Optimized fertilization effect

Table 1

Fertilizer treatments"

Rate of fertilizers[g/(pot·5plants)]
N P K 硝铵 磷酸二氢钠 硫酸钾
1 N0P0K0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2 N0P2K2 0 0.6750 0.8250 0 2.9605 2.8981
3 N1P2K2 0.4125 0.6750 0.8250 1.1786 2.9605 2.8981
4 N2P0K2 0.8250 0 0.8250 2.3571 0 2.8981
5 N2P1K2 0.8250 0.3375 0.8250 2.3571 1.4803 2.8981
6 N2P2K2 0.8250 0.6750 0.8250 2.3571 2.9605 2.8981
7 N2P3K2 0.8250 1.0125 0.8250 2.3571 4.4408 2.8981
8 N2P2K0 0.8250 0.6750 0 2.3571 2.9605 0
9 N2P2K1 0.8250 0.6750 0.4125 2.3571 2.9605 1.4490
10 N2P2K3 0.8250 0.6750 1.2375 2.3571 2.9605 4.3471
11 N3P2K2 1.2375 0.6750 0.8250 3.5357 2.9605 2.8981
12 N1P1K2 0.4125 0.3375 0.8250 1.1786 1.4803 2.8981
13 N1P2K1 0.4125 0.6750 0.4125 1.1786 2.9605 1.4490
14 N2P1K1 0.8250 0.3375 0.4125 2.3571 1.4803 1.4490


The effect of fertilizer treatments on plant height with single-factor model"


The effect of fertilizer treatments on dry mass with single-factor model"


The effect of fertilizer treatments on yield by N、P、K interaction"

Table 2

Effects of different treatments on pea economic character"

施用量(kg/hm2)Rate of fertilizers 株高(cm)
Available pods per plant
Seed weight per plant
100-seed weight
1N0P0K0 0 0 0 38.0 1.9 0.9 6.1
2N0P2K2 0 240 150 42.7 3.0 1.8 11.4
3N1P2K2 75 240 150 46.3 3.8 2.5 15.8
4N2P0K2 150 0 150 50.7 3.5 2.0 15.7
5N2P1K2 150 120 150 52.0 3.8 3.1 20.2
6N2P2K2 150 240 150 43.0 3.5 2.1 14.0
7N2P3K2 150 360 150 40.0 2.3 1.2 7.5
8N2P2K0 150 240 0 41.7 2.5 1.6 9.9
9N2P2K1 150 240 75 42.0 3.8 2.5 15.6
10N2P2K3 150 240 225 43.3 3.1 1.6 14.8
11N3P2K2 225 240 150 41.0 3.1 1.6 9.9
12N1P1K2 75 120 150 45.3 3.7 2.6 16.3
13N1P2K1 75 240 75 44.0 3.5 2.7 16.3
14N2P1K1 150 120 75 51.3 4.6 3.5 21.3

Table 3

Effects of different treatments on pea yield"

施用量(kg/hm2)Rate of fertilizers 单株粒重(g)
Seed weight per plant
1N0P0K0 0 0 0 0.89 805.5kJ
2N0P2K2 0 240 150 1.78 1 600.5hG
3N1P2K2 75 240 150 2.54 2 283.0dD
4N2P0K2 150 0 150 2.04 1 834.5gF
5N2P1K2 150 120 150 3.09 2 785.5bB
6N2P2K2 150 240 150 2.10 1 887.0fF
7N2P3K2 150 360 150 1.18 1 059.0jI
8N2P2K0 150 240 0 1.57 1 416.0iH
9N2P2K1 150 240 75 2.45 2 208.0eE
10N2P2K3 150 240 225 1.60 1 440.0iH
11N3P2K2 225 240 150 1.55 1 398.0iH
12N1P1K2 75 120 150 2.57 2 313.0dD
13N1P2K1 75 240 75 2.73 2 460.0cC
14N2P1K1 150 120 75 3.48 3 127.5aA

Table 4

Effects of different treatments on economic benefit"

Fertilizer cost
Net benefit
处理14 N2P1K1 3 127.5 2 290.5 10 480.5
处理5 N2P1K2 2 785.5 3 010.5 7 879.5
处理13 N1P2K1 2 460.0 2 801.3 6 298.5
处理12 N1P1K2 2 313.0 2 657.3 5 634.0
处理3 N1P2K2 2 283.0 3 521.3 4 605.0
处理9 N2P2K1 2 208.0 3 154.5 4 558.5
处理4 N2P0K2 1 834.5 2 146.5 3 513.0
处理6 N2P2K2 1 887.0 3 874.5 2 074.5
处理2 N0P2K2 1 600.5 3 168.0 1 204.5
处理8 N2P2K0 1 416.0 2 434.5 924.0
处理10 N2P2K3 1 398.0 4 227.8 -969.0
处理11 N3P2K2 1 440.0 4 594.5 -1 105.5
处理7 N2P3K2 1 059.0 4 738.5 -3 345.0
处理1 N0P0K0 805.5
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