Crops ›› 2016, Vol. 32 ›› Issue (2): 164-167.doi: 10.16035/j.issn.1001-7283.2016.02.030

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Effects of Different Previous Crops in Rotation System on Dry Matter Accumulation,Quality,and Yield in Flax

Guo Xiujuan,Yang Jianchun,Feng Xuejin,Jiang Chao   

  1. Institute of High Latitude Crops, Shanxi Academy of Agricultural Sciences,Datong 037000,Shanxi,China
  • Received:2015-12-23 Revised:2016-03-04 Online:2016-04-15 Published:2018-08-26
  • Contact: Jianchun Yang


This research was to study the effects of different previous crops in rotation system on the flax dry matter accumulation and its yield components. The results showed that the flax dry matter accumulation in all growth periods increased after different previous crops, and reached a peak in maturity period. Compared with no crop rotation (T0), the stearic acid content in flax grain after four types of stubbles was improved, and soybean stubble was the optimal combination.

Key words: Flax, Crop rotation, Dry matter accumulation, Quality, Production


Effects of different crops on dry matter accumulation of flax in different period"

Table 1

Effects of different preceding on flax yield related traits"

Fibre length
Plant height
Stem No.
Branch No. of
main stem
No.per plant
Seed No.per
Yield per plant
1000 seeds
T0 37.50c 60.40c 0.60a 6.00c 32.60c 8.52a 1.41a 5.68b
T1 45.20a 64.56a 0.65a 6.40ab 36.20ab 8.56a 1.49a 5.82b
T2 45.60a 64.61a 0.60a 6.60ab 36.40ab 8.54a 1.48a 5.85b
T3 43.20b 63.20b 0.60a 7.20a 42.40a 8.62a 1.51a 6.27a
T4 44.00b 63.60b 0.50ab 6.80ab 35.60b 8.62a 1.43a 5.75b

Table 2

Effects of different preceding on flax grain yield"

Yield of grain
Increasing yield
Ratio of increasing
T0 1 248.4d
T1 1 307.1bc 59.7 4.77
T2 1 321.0b 81.6 6.53
T3 1 375.0a 144.6 11.56
T4 1 275.7c 30.3 2.42

Table 3

Effects of different preceding on flax quality traits %"

Oil content
Linolenic acid
Linoleic acid
Stearic acid
Oleinic acid
Palmitic acid
T0 39.20a 52.13a 13.58a 3.61a 25.16a 5.23a
T1 39.48a 51.56a 13.60a 4.80a 24.54a 5.58a
T2 39.79a 51.32a 13.53a 4.73a 24.79a 5.64a
T3 39.36a 52.33a 13.68a 4.45a 26.08a 5.49a
T4 39.87a 51.52a 13.56a 4.83a 25.95a 5.37a
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