Crops ›› 2016, Vol. 32 ›› Issue (3): 151-157.doi: 10.16035/j.issn.1001-7283.2016.03.028

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Effects of Fertilization on Soil Moisture Temporal and Spatial Variation and Yield of Potato

Yu Xiaobin1,Meng Meilian1,Liu Sujun1,Zhang Tingting1,Meng Lili1,Jiao Ruizao1,Chen Youjun2   

  1. 1College of Agriculture,Inner Mongolia Agricultural University,Hohhot 010018,Inner Mongolia,China
    2College of Life Science,Inner Mongolia Agricultural University,Hohhot 010018,Inner Mongolia,China
  • Received:2016-03-08 Revised:2016-05-18 Online:2016-06-15 Published:2018-08-26
  • Contact: Meilian Meng


To evaluate the effects of manure and fertilizer on the soil moisture and potato yield, seven treatments: sheep manure plus N, P, K fertilizers(MNPK), sheep manure (M), NPK, NP, NK, PK, and no fertilization as control(CK) were conducted. The amount of sheep manure, N, P2O5 and K2O was 22 500, 150, 75, 270kg/hm 2, respectively. A randomized complete block design was used with three replicates. Soil moisture content of different soil layer showed a fluctuating trend during potato growing season. Soil moisture content showed a trend of shape “?” as the soil deepened during the growth period. Layer of 20~40cm soil depth showed both the maximum water storage and deprivation. Soil water content under treatments of NPK, MNPK and M was higher than that of NK, NP, PK, CK significantly, which indicated that both the manure and chemical fertilizer could enhance the soil water holding capacity. M had the highest average yield in two years, followed by NPK and MNPK. NPK, M and MNPK also had higher average marketable tuber ratio in two years. M, PK, MNPK and NPK showed greater number of individual tuber than NK and CK. To conclude, lack of phosphorus and potassium had more side effects on potato yield, marketable tuber ratio and tuber number than lack of nitrogen did.

Key words: Fertilization, Manure, Chemical fertilizer, Soil moisture content, Potato, Yield


Temperature and precipitation during the growing stage of potato in 2014"


Temperature and precipitation during the growing stage of potato in 2015"


Dynamic of moisture content in the different soil layer during potato growing stage in 2014 Different small letters in the same date and layer indicated significant difference at the 0.05 level,with same or no letters indicated no significant difference, the same below."


Dynamic of moisture content in the different soil layer during potato growing stage in 2015"


Distribution of average volumetric moisture content in soil profile during the potato growing stage in 2014"


Distribution of average volumetric moisture content in soil profile during potato growing stage in 2015"

Table 1

Yield under different treatments"

2014年 2015年 两年产量平均值(kg/hm2)
Two years average yield
Average increased yield
compared with CK
Increased yield
compared with CK
Increased yield
compared with CK
MNPK 26 172.0bc 6.12 39 922.3a 50.60 33 047.1 29.16
M 34 325.1a 39.18 37 743.7a 42.39 36 034.4 40.84
NPK 32 180.5ab 30.48 35 072.4ab 32.31 33 626.4 31.43
NP 25 338.3c 2.74 22 979.9c -13.31 24 159.1 -5.57
NK 24 058.9c -2.45 22 850.7c -13.80 23 454.8 -8.33
PK 24 773.6c 0.45 31 255.6abc 17.91 28 014.6 9.49
CK 24 662.7c 0 26 508.0bc 0 25 585.3 0

Table 2

Component factors of yield"

Tuber number (个/株)
Tuber weight(g)
Marketable tuber(%)
2014年 2015年 2014年 2015年 2014年 2015年
MNPK 3.86b 5.27a 130ab 144ab 59.89ab 73.75a
M 5.02a 5.15a 132ab 142ab 70.26a 71.50ab
NPK 3.88b 4.56ab 158a 148a 73.75a 71.75ab
NP 3.78b 4.34b 128ab 102b 61.49ab 64.00abc
NK 3.38b 4.23b 136ab 105ab 63.83ab 49.75c
PK 4.66a 4.68ab 101b 128ab 47.70b 64.00abc
CK 3.58b 4.32b 140ab 118ab 49.07b 51.50bc
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