Crops ›› 2017, Vol. 33 ›› Issue (4): 89-95.doi: 10.16035/j.issn.1001-7283.2017.04.016

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Effects of Population Density on Stalk Agronomic Traits, Mechanical Properties, and Yield of Maize

Deng Yan,Wang Chuangyun,Guo Hongxia,Zhang Liguang,Zhao Li,Wang Lujun,Niu Xueqian,Wang Meixia   

  1. Institute of Crop Sciences,Shanxi Academy of Agricultural Sciences,Taiyuan 030031,Shanxi,China
  • Received:2017-04-07 Revised:2017-06-19 Online:2017-08-15 Published:2018-08-26
  • Contact: Chuangyun Wang


For the lodging problem on spring maize in the rain-fed area of Shanxi Province, two varieties with different stalk lodging resistance (dense variety Zhengdan 958 and dilute variety Jindan 86) were chosen as materials, and five population density treatments of 5.25, 6.00, 6.75, 7.50,and 8.25×10 4/hm 2 were set to analyze the change characteristics of stalk lodging resistant and agronomic traits of maize, meanwhile their relationship between stalk traits and the yield, stalk traits and lodging rate were discussed. The results showed that each stalk internode length and diameter of Zhengdan 958 first increased and then decreased, the highest density treatment was 7.50×10 4/hm 2, while the each stalk internode length of Jindan 86 significantly increased, and the diameter significantly decreased. With the increase of plants group density, the dry weight of internode, dry weight of unit internode, puncture strength, stalk bending capacity all showed a trend of first increased and after decreased, the highest density treatment of Zhengdan 958 was 7.50×10 4/hm 2, while the highest density treatment of Jindan 86 was 6.00×10 4/hm 2, which had a significant difference with other treatments. Correlation analysis showed that the puncture strength and bending ability were negatively correlated with internode length significantly, and positively correlated with internode dry weight and the dry weight of unit internode significantly. Lodging rate showed a close negative correlate with internode diameter, the dry weight of internode, the dry weight of unit internode, the stalk skin puncture strength and bending capacity of the third internode. Finally, the highest yield of Zhengdan 958 and Jingdan 86 were 7.50×10 4/hm 2 and 6.00×10 4/hm 2, respectively, increased by 8%-26% and 20%-30%.

Key words: Maize, Population density, Stalk, Agronomic trait, Mechanical trait, Yield, Lodging percentage


Effects of different planting densities on length and diameter of internode in maize"


Effects of different planting densities on maize dry weight of internode and dry weight of unit internode"


Effects of different planting densities on maize stalk rind penetration strength and stalk bending capacity"

Table 1

Effects of different planting densities on maize yield and its components and lodging percentage"

品种Variety 密度(万株/hm2)
Spike number
Grain per spike
100-grain weight
Lodging percentage
郑单958 5.25 75 583d 452.89b 25.35c 8 578.50c 0.00
Zhengdan 958 6.00 78 488c 458.23a 26.45b 9 465.82b 0.00
6.75 81 869b 459.52a 26.81b 10 018.32a 0.00
7.50 84 564a 462.39a 27.65a 10 786.85a 3.50
8.25 80 587b 455.12ab 26.52b 9 801.14b 14.80
平均Mean 80 218 457.63 26.56 9 730.13 3.66
晋单86 5.25 64 588bc 462.58a 26.18b 7 706.87bc 0.00
Jindan 86 6.00 76 764a 466.78a 27.37a 9 637.34a 0.00
6.75 69 969b 462.87a 25.53c 8 007.43b 0.00
7.50 67 687b 460.46ab 25.34c 7 818.30bc 3.64
8.25 65 683bc 457.19b 25.09c 7 434.69c 37.90
平均Mean 68 938 461.98 25.90 8 120.93 8.31

Table 2

Correlation analysis between stalk characteristics and yield and lodging percentage"

项目Item 茎秆硬皮穿刺强度Stalk rind penetration strength 茎秆弯曲能力Stalk bending capacity
3rd node
4th node
5th node
6th node
3rd node
4th node
5th node
6th node
产量Yield 0.864** 0.913** 0.899** 0.886** 0.854** 0.897** 0.873** 0.934**
倒伏率Lodging percentage -0.632* -0.603* -0.612* -0.606* -0.634* -0.602* -0.632* -0.343
项目Item 节间长度Length of internode 节间直径Diameter of internode
3rd node
4th node
5th node
6th node
3rd node
4th node
5th node
6th node
产量Yield 0.112 0.044 -0.648* -0.553 0.211 0.145 -0.394 -0.366
倒伏率Lodging percentage 0.649* 0.676* 0.677* 0.345 -0.338 -0.326 -0.145 -0.128
项目Item 节间干重Dry weight of internode 单位茎长干重Dry weight of unit internode
3rd node
4th node
5th node
6th node
3rd node
4th node
5th node
6th node
产量Yield 0.614* 0.833** 0.829** 0.783** 0.509 0.781** 0.864** 0.872**
倒伏率Lodging percentage -0.633* -0.606* -0.606* -0.623* -0.847** -0.749** -0.647* -0.641*

Table 3

Correlation analysis between the stalk mechanical characteristics and its agronomic traits"

项目Item 节间长度
Length of internode
Diameter of internode
Dry weight of internode
Dry weight of unit internode
茎秆硬皮穿刺强度Stalk rind penetration strength -0.772** -0.120 0.779** 0.895**
茎秆弯曲性能Stalk bending capacity -0.692* -0.147 0.775** 0.858**
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