Crops ›› 2018, Vol. 34 ›› Issue (3): 129-134.doi: 10.16035/j.issn.1001-7283.2018.03.020

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Effects of Increasing Humic Acid but Reducing Fertilization on Panicle Traits and Yield of Rice in Saline-Alkali Soil

He Chen1,Zheng Guiping1,Zhao Haicheng1,Chen Liqiang1,Li Hongyu1,Lü Yandong1,Song Jiang2   

  1. 1 Agricultural College, Heilongjiang Bayi Agricultural University, Daqing 163319, Heilongjiang, China
    2 Engineering College, Heilongjiang Bayi Agricultural University, Daqing 163319, Heilongjiang, China
  • Received:2018-01-30 Revised:2018-03-03 Online:2018-06-20 Published:2018-06-20


Due to poor soil quality and low yield of rice in saline-alkali soil, the experiment was conducted to study the effects of increasing humic acid but reducing fertilization on characters and yield of rice panicle using two factors completely random design pot experiment, a total of 12 treatments with 3 replications and 16 pots for each treatment. There were 3 levels for humus and four levels for fertilization. Results showed that with the increase of humic acid, the panicle weight, spike length, primary branch number per panide, the number of primary branchlet spikelets and the secondary branchlet seed setting rate of Kenjing 7 were significantly increased. The 1000-grain weight on primary and secondary branch stems significantly decreased, and the theoretical yield of A2 and A3 increased significantly, compared with A1 by 2.45g/hole, 4.97g/hole; Fertilization reduction had insignificant effect on ear traits. The humic acid increased the theoretical yield of rice by increasing the number of grains per spike and the number of spike per point for Kenjing 7. With the increase of humic acid, the 1000-grain weight decreased. The B3 theoretical yield was 0.90g/hole and 1.29g/hole higher than that of B2 and B4, respectively, due to increasing the number of spike by decreasing fertilization. In conclusion, increasing humic acid and reduced fertilization increased panicles and spikelets to improve and ensure the theoretical yield for Kenjing 7. Humic acid A3 (31.68g/pot) combined with B3 (conventional fertilization reduced by 20%) was recommended to ensure high yield, but low cost fertilization.

Key words: Humic acid, Reduce fertilization, Rice, Panicle traits, Yield


基肥Base fertilizer 分蘖肥Tillering fertilizer 调节肥Regulating fertilizer 穗肥Panicle fertilizer
B1 1.28 0.91 0.50 0.43 0.08 0.95 0.57 0.33 0.17 0.34
B2 1.15 0.82 0.45 0.39 0.07 0.86 0.52 0.30 0.15 0.31
B3 1.02 0.73 0.40 0.34 0.06 0.76 0.46 0.26 0.14 0.27
B4 0.90 0.64 0.35 0.30 0.05 0.67 0.40 0.23 0.12 0.24


Grain density
per panicle
Panicle length
一次枝梗Primary branches 二次枝梗Secondary branches
Branches per panicle
per panicle
Seed setting
per panicle
per panicle
Seed setting
A1 6.14bB 11.24cC 11.64bB 7.81bA 43.05bB 90.70bAC 21.11aA 10.34bB 28.55bB 81.62bB 18.44aA
A2 6.07bB 13.70bB 11.73bB 7.90abA 43.42bAB 93.16aA 20.83abAB 10.26bB 27.79bB 86.23aA 18.04abAB
A3 6.71aA 16.34aA 12.07aA 8.18aA 45.61aA 93.11aAB 20.34bB 12.68aA 35.58aA 86.89aA 17.75bB
FA 11.61** 92.09** 6.91** 3.48* 5.51** 2.19 4.13* 11.75** 11.64** 8.21** 4.80*
B1 6.43aA 14.46aA 11.80abA 7.92aA 44.29aA 91.16bA 20.69aA 11.42abA 31.58abA 83.52aA 18.07abA
B2 6.17aA 13.29bAB 11.70bA 8.01aA 44.06aA 93.42aA 21.02aA 10.23bA 28.19bA 86.18aA 18.29aA
B3 6.39aA 14.33aA 12.01aA 7.99aA 44.15aA 92.32abA 20.87aA 11.88aA 32.84aA 85.11aA 18.28aA
B4 6.34aA 12.95bB 11.75abA 7.91aA 43.60aA 92.37abA 20.44aA 10.84abA 29.95abA 84.84aA 17.67bA
FB 1.02 5.96** 1.83 0.17 0.20 0.71 1.27 2.41 1.94 0.89 2.59
FA×B 3.82** 7.93** 1.15 1.45 2.13 2.28* 1.78 3.17** 3.02* 3.04* 1.77


Effects of the interactions between humus and reduce fertilization on panicle weight and grain density"


Effects of the interactions between humus and reduce fertilization on secondary branches per panicle"

Table 3

Comparison analysis of theory yield and yield components"

Panicles per hole
Grains per panicle
Seed setting rate
1000-grain weight
Theory yield per hole
A1 8.42cC 71.59bB 87.12bB 20.14aA 10.57cC
A2 10.25bB 71.21bB 90.47aA 19.80aAB 13.02bB
A3 11.04aA 81.19aA 90.35aA 19.26bB 15.54aA
FA 143.72** 13.75** 7.09** 5.62** 91.05**
B1 10.44aA 75.88aA 87.99bA 19.67aA 13.66aA
B2 9.67bcB 72.24aA 90.62aA 20.01aA 12.67bAB
B3 9.94bB 77.00aA 89.29abA 19.85aA 13.57aA
B4 9.56cB 73.54aA 89.34abA 19.40aA 12.28bB
FB 9.34** 1.51 1.70 1.52 5.08**
FA×B 10.26** 3.80** 3.32** 1.74 7.09**


Effects of the interactions between humus and reduce fertilization on panicles per hole and grains per panicle"


Effects of the interactions between humus and reduce fertilization on seed setting rate and theory yield"

Table 4

Relationship between rice yield traits"

性状Trait 每穴穗数
Panicles per hole
Grains per panicle
Seed setting rate
1000-grain weight
Theory yield per hole
每穴穗数Panicles per hole -1
穗粒数Grains per panicle -0.57* -1
结实率Seed setting rate -0.44 -0.29 1
千粒重1000-grain weight -0.51 -0.61* 0.01 -1
每穴理论产量Theory yield per hole -0.95** -0.76** 0.31 -0.52 1
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