Crops ›› 2020, Vol. 36 ›› Issue (2): 41-47.doi: 10.16035/j.issn.1001-7283.2020.02.007

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Ecological Stoichiometric Characteristics of Carbon, Nitrogen and Phosphorus in Leaves and Stems of Different Types of Sweet Potato

Guo Qilin,Wu Haiyun,Li Huan,Liu Qing()   

  1. College of Resources and Environment, Qingdao Agricultural University, Qingdao 266109, Shandong, China
  • Received:2019-08-17 Revised:2019-09-10 Online:2020-04-15 Published:2020-04-13
  • Contact: Qing Liu


Total of 9 sweet potato varieties were selected and were divided into 3 types i.e. fresh sweet potato, starch sweet potato, and purple sweet potato. The contents of carbon (C), nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) in the shoots and leaves were measured at different growth periods, to study the C, N, P ecological stoichiometric characteristics of different types of sweet potatoes and their changes with the growth period. The results showed that the content ranges of C, N, and P were 391-399, 26.3-29.1, 2.90-3.10mg/g in leaves, and 421-428, 11.6-15.2, and 4.99-5.77mg/g in stems, respectively. The differences in stems and leaves are greater than those in sweet potato types; the C content in the stems increases slightly with the growth period, but the content of other elements in the stems and leaves decreases with the growth period. The change of C, N and P contents in stems with growth period is greater than that among varieties. Purple sweet potato and starch sweet potato had the highest C/N and C/P respectively in leaves of different sweet potato varieties, which indicated that they had high C assimilation ability. The N/P values in three types of sweet potato leaves ranged from 8.57 to 9.97 which indicated that N was the main limiting factor of growth in sweet potato.

Key words: Sweet potato, Ecological stoichiometry, Stem and leaf, Growth period

Table 1

The average contents of C, N, P and C/N, C/P, N/P in stems and leaves of different types of sweet potato"

Sweet potato type
Coefficient of variation
Stoichiometric ratio

Purple sweet potato
396±6.16b 26.3±2.81a 3.07±0.66b 1.56 10.68 21.50 15.1±1.39c 128.9±7.95a 8.57±1.06a
Starch sweet potato
391±9.57b 28.9±3.43a 2.90±0.39b 2.45 11.87 13.45 13.5±1.41c 134.8±6.47a 9.97±0.78a
Fresh sweet potato
399±9.10b 29.1±5.61a 3.10±0.45b 2.28 19.28 14.52 13.7±2.32c 128.7±8.12a 9.39±0.79a

Purple sweet potato
421±7.35a 11.6±2.88b 5.37±1.56a 1.75 24.83 29.05 36.3±6.44a 78.4±6.66b 2.16±0.37b
Starch sweet potato
423±2.87a 15.2±3.37b 5.77±1.22a 0.68 22.17 21.14 27.8±4.91b 78.3±6.56b 2.63±0.37b
Fresh sweet potato
428±5.16a 13.9±7.04b 4.99±0.97a 1.21 50.65 19.44 30.8±5.74ab 85.8±5.48b 2.79±0.87b


Contents of C, N and P in stems and leaves of sweet potato in different growth periods"


C/N, C/P and N/P in stems and leaves of sweet potato in different growth periods"

Table 2

Source of variation of C, N, P stoichiometry in sweet potato leaves"

参数Parameter 变异来源Source of variation 离差平方和SS 自由度df 均方Mean square deviation F
C 生育时期Growth period (G) 380.9221 2 190.4610 2.0740
甘薯类型Sweet potato type (T) 206.4010 2 103.2005 1.1240
生育时期×甘薯类型G×T 151.7279 4 37.9320 0.4130
误差Error 1 653.1071 18 91.8393
总变异Total variation 2 392.1580 26
N 生育时期Growth period (G) 267.6165 2 133.8083 9.8530*
甘薯类型Sweet potato type (T) 42.6645 2 21.3322 1.5710
生育时期×甘薯类型G×T 39.3852 4 9.8463 0.7250
误差Error 244.4419 18 13.5801
总变异Total variation 594.1081 26
P 生育时期Growth period (G) 4.1286 2 2.0643 7.4240*
甘薯类型Sweet potato type (T) 0.2214 2 0.1107 0.3980
生育时期×甘薯类型G×T 0.6466 4 0.1616 0.5810
误差Error 5.0049 18 0.2781
总变异Total variation 10.0014 26
C/N 生育时期Growth period (G) 50.9970 2 25.4985 8.8660*
甘薯类型Sweet potato type (T) 12.8540 2 6.4270 2.2350
生育时期×甘薯类型G×T 5.0039 4 1.2510 0.4350
误差Error 51.7673 18 2.8760
总变异Total variation 120.6223 26
C/P 生育时期Growth period (G) 7 276.8861 2 3 638.4430 6.4340*
甘薯类型Sweet potato type (T) 318.4184 2 159.2092 0.2820
生育时期×甘薯类型G×T 1 008.7535 4 252.1884 0.4460
误差Error 10 179.3593 18 565.5200
总变异Total variation 18 783.4173 26
N/P 生育时期Growth period (G) 0.9085 2 0.4543 0.1310
甘薯类型Sweet potato type (T) 8.7679 2 4.3839 1.2630
生育时期×甘薯类型G×T 9.7828 4 2.4457 0.7050
误差Error 62.4812 18 3.4712
总变异Total variation 81.9404 26
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