Crops ›› 2016, Vol. 32 ›› Issue (6): 142-147.doi: 10.16035/j.issn.1001-7283.2016.06.024

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Optimization of the Overwintering Planting Density, Germchit,Base Fertilizer and Transplanting Period for Leaf-Vegetable Sweet Potato Seedlings

Xu Qian1,Li Hua1,Zong Hongxia1,Dan Fang1,Wang Zumin2   

  1. 1 Chongqing Three Gorges Academy of Agricultural Sciences,Wanzhou 404155,Chongqing,China
    2 Agricultural Service Center of Baitu Town,Wanzhou 404025,Chongqing,China
  • Received:2016-08-22 Revised:2016-10-27 Online:2016-12-15 Published:2018-08-26


To investigate the optimum cultivation technology for leaf-vegetable sweet potato seedlings through the whole winter and break the obstacle to reserve the source supply, L9(3 4) orthogonal experiment design was used to study the plant density, seedling number, fertilizers and transplanting time of Ecaishu No.1 and the therefrom impact on production. The results showed that the combination of T9 was the best combination of the experiment, with a plant density of 2.85×10 5 plant/hm 2, seedling planting type, fertilizers (45% compound fertilizer 750kg/hm 2+calcium superphosphate 450kg/hm 2), and transplanting time in late September. In the next year, the yield of sweet potato seedlings reached more than 8.85×10 4kg/hm 2, from March to mid-June.

Key words: Leaf-vegetable sweet potato, Density, Germchit, Base fertilizer, Transplanting time, Overwintering properties, Yield

Table 1

The factors and levels of L9(34) orthogonal experiment"

水平Level 因素Factor
密度Density (万株/hm2) A 种苗Seedling B 底肥(45%复合肥+过磷酸钙)Base fertilizer (kg/hm2) C 栽插期Planting date D
1 19.5 茎尖苗 150+150 9-24
2 24.0 二节苗 450+300 10-09
3 28.5 茎尖摘心苗 750+450 10-15

Table 2

L9(34) orthogonal design"

因素Factor 组合
T1 1 1 1 1 A1B1C1D1
T2 1 2 2 2 A1B2C2D2
T3 1 3 3 3 A1B3C3D3
T4 2 1 2 3 A2B1C2D3
T5 2 2 3 1 A2B2C3D1
T6 2 3 1 2 A2B3C1D2
T7 3 1 3 2 A3B1C3D2
T8 3 2 1 3 A3B2C1D3
T9 3 3 2 1 A3B3C2D1

Table 3

Weather and ambient temperature in test period"

生长时段Growth period 日期
Air temperature
Open growth
10-16 小雨 19~16
10-23 多云 25~15
10-29 阴转小雨 19~16
11-04 多云 18~12
Greenhouse growth preparation
11-05 多云 20~10
11-12 18~13
11-19 19~10
11-26 多云 17~12
12-01 小雨 13~9
大棚生长期Greenhouse growth 12-02 12~8
12-08 多云 15~9
生长时段Growth period 日期
Air temperature
12-15 小雨转阴 8~3
12-22 多云 11~5
12-29 多云 12~5
1-05 小雨 11~8
1-12 14~6
1-19 多云 15~7
1-26 16~10
2-02 8~5
2-09 多云 13~6
2-13 多云 18~5
2-16 20~9
2-23 多云转晴 17~9
3-01 多云 13~7
3-08 多云 18~8
3-14 阵雨 21~9
Greenhouse late growth
3-23 21~14
3-27 26~15
4-03 25~15
4-15 27~19
露地生长期Open growth 4-16 28~20

Table 4

Performance of overwintering seedlings"

处理Treatment 存活率(%)
Survival rate
Seedling height
Branch number
First seedling weight
Underground stem yield
Underground tuber yield
T1 95.73aA 45.57aA 2.33abAB 6.05bcdBC 1.43cdeABC 1.57dC
T2 89.31aA 28.27cdC 2.73aA 4.30eC 1.19eC 0.96fgD
T3 89.74aA 30.30cBC 2.77aA 6.31bcABC 1.48bcdABC 1.21eD
T4 94.80aA 37.83bAB 2.33abAB 7.17abcAB 1.65abcAB 0.90gD
T5 96.53aA 41.77abA 2.43abAB 7.24abcAB 1.54abcdABC 2.05bB
T6 93.40aA 29.40cdBC 2.80aA 5.73cdeBC 1.52abcdABC 1.18efD
T7 90.64aA 39.23abAB 1.47cB 7.39abAB 1.71abAB 1.82cBC
T8 90.04aA 23.20dC 1.73bcAB 4.61deC 1.37deBC 1.02efgD
T9 96.78aA 43.13abA 2.27abAB 8.47aA 1.76aA 3.37aA

Table 5

Seedlings yield at different harvesting time"

Early stage
Harvest period
Total yield
T1 18.21bA 29.25dB 73 867.35
T2 15.48cB 26.21eC 66 190.20
T3 18.99abA 30.75bcdB 77 655.45
T4 19.26abA 31.72bcB 80 104.95
T5 19.67abA 32.36bAB 81 721.20
T6 18.65abA 29.88cdB 75 458.25
T7 20.79aA 35.18aA 88 842.90
T8 19.01abA 29.99bcdB 75 736.05
T9 20.53aA 35.23aA 88 969.05

Table 6

Variance analysis (F value) of seedling height, branch number, and harvest yield of different stage"

Variation source
Seeding height
Branch number
The first time yield
Early stage yield
Late stage yield
Total yield
区组Block 2 38.83 0.0015 0.95 0.33 0.53 2.17
处理Treatment 8 182.27** 0.63** 5.52** 7.18** 2.39** 24.29**
密度Density 2 6.25 1.68** 4.44** 14.99** 5.38** 48.41**
种苗Germchit 2 224.76** 0.72* 6.49** 5.48* 0.64 19.27**
底肥Base fertilizer 2 49.87* 0.12 5.72** 5.08* 2.69* 19.93**
栽插期Planting date 2 448.19** 0.01 5.44** 3.16 0.83 9.55*
误差Error 16 13.73 0.17 0.75 1.11 0.52 1.66
总变异Total error 26

Table 7

Difference analysis of seedling height and branch number"

因素Factor 水平Level 苗高Seedling height (cm) 因素Factor 水平Level 分枝数Branch number
种苗Germchit 1 40.88aA 密度Planting density 1 2.61aA
3 34.28bB 2 2.52aA
2 31.08bB 3 1.82bB
底肥Base fertilizer 3 37.10aA 种苗Germchit 3 2.61aA
2 36.41aA 2 2.30aA
1 32.72bA 1 2.04bA
栽插期Planting date 1 43.49aA - - -
2 32.30bB - - -
3 30.44bB - - -

Table 8

Variance analysis of seedling yield in the different harvest time"

因素Factor 首次The first time 前期Early stage 后期Late stage 水平
Total yield
水平Level 产量Yield 水平Level 产量Yield 水平Level 产量Yield
密度Density 3 6.82aA 3 20.11aA 3 9.95aA 3 33.47aA
2 6.71abAB 2 19.19aA 2 8.77bB 2 31.32bB
1 5.55bB 1 17.56bB 1 8.49bB 1 28.83cC
种苗Germchit 1 6.87aA 1 19.42aA - - 1 32.14aA
3 6.84aA 3 19.39aA - - 3 31.95aA
2 5.38bB 2 18.05bA - - 2 29.52bB
底肥Base fertilizer 3 6.98aA 3 19.82aA 3 9.46aA 3 32.77aA
2 6.65aAB 1 18.63bA 2 9.30aA 2 31.05bAB
1 5.46bB 2 18.42bA 1 8.44bA 1 29.80bB
栽插期Planting date 1 7.25aA - - - - 1 32.37aA
3 6.03bB - - - - 3 30.82bA
2 5.81bB - - - - 2 30.42bA
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