Crops ›› 2022, Vol. 38 ›› Issue (5): 130-134.doi: 10.16035/j.issn.1001-7283.2022.05.018

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Effects of Row Spacing and Seedling Belt Width on Dry Matter Accumulation and Distribution of Wheat in Wide Refined Sowing

Sun Yunchao1(), Peng Keyan2, Feng Shengye1, Ji Chuanyun1, Lü peng2, Ju Zhengchun2()   

  1. 1Liaocheng Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Liaocheng 252000, Shandong, China
    2Shandong Agricultural Technology Extension Center, Ji’nan 250100, Shandong, China
  • Received:2021-05-06 Revised:2021-08-04 Online:2022-10-15 Published:2022-10-19


In order to enrich the mechanisms of wide refined sowing and yield increase in wheat, we researched the effects of three row spacings (20, 25, 30cm) and five seedling belt widths (3, 6, 9, 12, 15cm) on accumulation and distribution of dry matter after anthesis. The results showed that the suitable row spacing and seedling belt width could increase yield. When the seedling belt width was less than 9cm, yield increased with the increase of the width, while when the seedling belt width was more than 9cm, yield decreased with the increase of the width. The maximum yield was obtained with row spacing of 25cm and seedling belt width of 9cm. The fastest period of dry matter accumulation of grain was from 21 to 28 days after anthesis, and the fastest period of dry matter transformation of the aboveground part of wheat was from 14 to 28 days after anthesis. The increase of row spacing and seedling belt width increased the accumulation of group dry matter of each vegetative organ, but when row spacing was more than 25cm and seedling belt width was more than 9cm, the transportation of dry matter from vegetative organs to grains was inhibited.

Key words: Wheat, Wide refined sowing, Row spacing, Seedling belt width, Dry matter accumulation, Dry matter distribution

Table 1

Wheat grain yield and its components in different row spacing and seedling belt width"

Row spacing
Seedling belt
width (cm)
Mature ear of tillering
number per plant
Spike number
Grains per
weight (g)
Unit weight
20 3 2.30i 475.03k 28.20h 45.25d 7159.95j 813.00b
6 3.80f 490.05j 29.60fg 46.08cd 6847.50k 813.00b
9 3.70g 549.00h 30.10f 47.25b 7535.25i 814.00b
12 4.00e 619.29d 33.20d 45.25d 8000.40f 805.00e
15 4.00e 610.00de 36.30b 44.95de 7902.15g 795.00h
25 3 2.20j 608.05e 29.20g 44.64e 7153.20j 806.00de
6 3.80f 614.04d 30.60e 46.51c 8379.90d 807.00d
9 4.20c 710.04a 32.60d 49.66a 8929.50a 813.00b
12 4.30b 629.05c 35.40c 48.44a 8648.95b 818.00a
15 4.40a 668.05b 37.20a 46.73c 8444.85d 795.00h
30 3 2.70h 513.38i 30.10f 43.85f 6840.60l 799.00g
6 3.80f 580.04g 32.50d 46.08c 7778.10h 803.00f
9 4.10d 601.71f 37.20a 46.95bc 8608.65c 810.00c
12 4.10d 633.38c 37.20a 46.30cd 8634.30bc 803.00f
15 4.20c 663.52b 37.10ab 44.39ef 8230.95e 800.00g


The effects of different seedling belt widths on dry matter accumulation of wheat seed in different row spacings"


The effects of different seedling belt widths on aboveground dry matter accumulation in different row spacings"

Table 2

Dry matter translocation at pre-anthesis of vegetative organs of wheat"

Row spacing
Seedling belt
width (cm)
叶片Leaf 茎秆Stem 穗轴+颖壳Rachis+glume
20 3 487.75n 34.27 6.81 1884.45hi 34.16 26.32 113.97n 8.31 1.59
6 617.25lm 30.09 9.01 1912.87gh 29.32 27.94 233.18l 14.57 3.41
9 1027.01h 39.98 13.63 1934.22g 27.15 25.67 340.09i 17.29 4.51
12 1133.16de 40.34 14.16 2174.09d 27.31 27.17 430.28f 19.32 5.38
15 1253.14c 41.50 15.86 2280.56b 27.32 28.86 539.53c 21.93 6.83
25 3 841.41i 49.00 11.76 1939.72g 34.21 27.12 326.55j 23.49 4.57
6 727.68k 34.21 8.68 2094.19e 30.09 24.99 456.39e 23.91 5.45
9 1114.57e 40.72 12.48 2005.17f 25.97 22.46 370.58g 19.41 4.15
12 1400.46b 47.58 16.19 2242.48c 26.34 25.93 512.22d 23.44 5.92
15 1642.22a 52.33 19.45 2375.02a 27.08 28.12 645.64a 27.14 7.65
30 3 735.54j 40.36 10.75 1552.21k 26.51 22.69 193.29m 12.46 2.83
6 627.88l 29.94 8.07 1899.18h 29.51 24.42 317.52k 18.37 4.08
9 1079.35g 40.38 12.54 1426.48l 17.43 16.57 346.51hi 16.08 4.03
12 1198.24d 40.23 13.88 1624.79j 18.48 18.82 573.29b 24.57 6.64
15 1097.37fg 35.51 13.33 1761.77i 18.02 21.40 526.78cd 21.00 6.40
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