Crops ›› 2024, Vol. 40 ›› Issue (2): 80-88.doi: 10.16035/j.issn.1001-7283.2024.02.010
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Hu Haochi(), Wang Fugui(
), Zhu Kongyan, Hu Shuping, Wang Meng, Wang Zhigang, Sun Jiying, Yu Xiaofang, Bao Haizhu(
), Gao Julin(
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[1] | Pan Yue, Li Siyu, Gao Jie, Shen Xinya, Liu Lijun. Research Progress on Effects of Straw and Its Returning Methods on Soil Properties in Paddy Fields under Different Rotation Patterns [J]. Crops, 2024, 40(2): 1-8. |
[2] | Wang Han, Zheng Dechao, Tian Qinqin, Wu Xiaojing, Zhou Wenxin, Yi Zhenxie. Effects of Harvest Time on Yield and Cadmium Accumulation and Distribution Characteristics of Early Rice [J]. Crops, 2024, 40(2): 105-112. |
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[10] | Zhang Qian, Ren Wen, Zhao Bingbing, Zhou Miaoyi, Li Hanshuai, Liu Ya, Du Hewei. Cloning and Bioinformatics Analysis of ZmMAPKKK21 Gene in Maize [J]. Crops, 2024, 40(2): 30-39. |
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