Crops ›› 2017, Vol. 33 ›› Issue (1): 168-172.doi: 10.16035/j.issn.1001-7283.2017.01.030

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Cytological Observation in Fusarium culmorum-Infected Potato Tuber

Sun Meili,Xu Yongqing,Shi Lijuan,Shan Weiyu,Chai Ying,Li Xiuyu,Li Lei,Li Fenglan   

  1. College of Life Science,Northeast Agricultural University,Harbin 150030,Heilongjiang,China
  • Received:2016-09-05 Revised:2016-12-11 Online:2017-02-15 Published:2018-08-26


Potato dry rot causes corruption of stored potato tubers, affecting their commodity value. Fusarium culmorum is the main pathogenic fungus for potato dry rot in Heilongjiang province. In order to study the infection process of Fusarium in potato, we investigated a histological and cytological observation during Fusarium culmorum infection progress in potato tubers with different resistant(Kexin 1 and Daxiyang). The results showed that hyphae and spores of pathogens accumulated in potato tubers 2d after the infection and potato tubers rotted seriously 16d after the infection. The tubers lesion area in Kexin 1 was 44.44% of the total area, and that in Atlantic was 89.34%. This result indicate that the Fusarium culmorum can cause the large area damage of the inner structure of the potato tuber. By the microstructure observation, we found that there were a large number Fusarium culmorum mycelia in infected potato tubers 3d after the infection and the cell wall of potato tuber thickened and broke in the infection course.However this appeared relatively late for resistant variety, showing Kexin 1 had higher resistance to Fusarium culmorum than Daxiyang.

Key words: Potato, Dry rot, Fusarium culmorum, Cytological observation


Cytological observation of F.culmorum infection in potato tuber"

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