Crops ›› 2018, Vol. 34 ›› Issue (2): 61-67.doi: 10.16035/j.issn.1001-7283.2018.02.011

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Comparision of Yield and Quality among Different Ratooning Rice Varieties

Duan Menjun1,Wu Yunzi2,Tian Yucong1,Liu Yongwu4,Liu Zhangyong1,Chen Fu3,Jin Tao1   

  1. 1 Engineering Research Center of Ecology and Agricultural Use of Wetland, Ministry of Education, Yangtze University, Jingzhou 434025, Hubei, China
    2 Jingzhou Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Jingzhou 434000, Hubei,China
    3 College of Agronomy and Biotechnology, China Agricultural University, Beijing 100193, China
    4 Shakou Agricultural Technology Service Center, Jingzhou 433206, Hubei, China
  • Received:2017-11-07 Revised:2018-03-05 Online:2018-04-20 Published:2018-08-27


In order to study the main influencing factors on yield and quality of ratooning rice and screen suitable varieties of ratooning rice in Honghu City of Hubei Province, a field experiment was conducted in Shakou town, Honghu City, Hubei Province from March to November in 2016 with ratooning rice cultivars of Guangliangyou 1128, Xinliangyou 223, Liangyou 6326 and Chuangliangyou 558. The results showed that the main crop rice yield, ratooning rice yield and total yield of Chuangliangyou 558 were the highest, which were 8 087.4kg/hm 2, 5 916.7kg/hm 2 and 14 004 kg/hm 2, respectively. The brown rice rate and length-width ratio between four ratooning rice varieties were no significantly different. The polished rice rate, whole polished rice rate and amylose content of Chuangliangyou 558 were the highest, and the values were 70.2%, 65.5% and 24.5%, respectively. The amylose content of Xinliangyou 223 was significantly lower than other varieties, with value of 21.4%. The total protein content of chuangliangyou 558 were the highest, followed by Guangliangyou 1128, and the values were 9.14g/100g and 9.03g/100g, respectively, which was significantly higher than other varieties (P<0.05).The research shows that all 4 varieties were suitable for planting in Honghu area. The main rice yield, ratooning rice yield and total yield of Chaunglaingyou 558 were the highest, and the rice quality was the best. The main yield components affecting ratooning rice yield were grains per panicle, seed setting rate. The chalky grain rate, chalkiness degree and polished rice rate were the main factors affecting the whole polished rice rate of ratooning rice.

Key words: The main crop rice, Ratooning rice, Regeneration bud, Yield, Quality

Table 1

Comparison of yield and yield components of the main crop rice of different varieties"

品种Variety 有效穗数(×104/hm2)
Effective panicles
Grains per panicle
Setting rate
1000-grain weight
Actual yield of the main crop rice
广两优1128 Guangliangyou 1128 330.6±20.6b 128.1±11.7ab 63.6±3.8a 29.4±0.7a 7 170.3±246.9b
新两优223 Xinliangyou 223 373.3±14.0a 115.4±8.7b 58.1±2.0a 28.3±0.6b 6 920.1±144.4b
两优6326 Liangyou 6326 348.9±14.2b 114.1±10.1b 62.7±4.3a 28.9±0.2ab 7 086.9±351.4b
创两优558 Chuangliangyou 558 375.6±10.4a 140.1±14.7a 62.7±1.8a 26.8±0.1c 8 087.4±284.7a


Regeneration buds germination dynamic of different varieties"

Table 2

Comparison of yield and yield components of the rationing crop rice of different varieties"

品种Variety 有效穗数(×104/hm2)
Effective panicles
Grains per panicle
Setting rate
千粒重(g) 1000-grain weight 再生稻实产(kg/hm2)
Actual yield of the ratooning crop rice
广两优1128 Guangliangyou 1128 331.0±19.6b 71.4±3.2b 82.0±2.0bc 30.5±0.3a 5 416.7±288.7b
新两优223 Xinliangyou 223 368.4±28.9ab 66.9±3.6bc 86.7±1.5a 28.7±0.3b 5 666.7±144.3ab
两优6326 Liangyou 6326 396.3±10.9a 62.8±1.9c 79.7±1.2c 28.4±0.5b 5 500.0±250.0b
创两优558 Chuangliangyou 558 398.4±30.3a 81.7±4.3a 83.7±3.1ab 23.6±0.2c 5 916.7±144.3a


Yield comparison of different varieties of the ratooning crop rice"

Table 3

The comparison of main and ratooning growth period of different varieties"

头季稻The main crop rice 再生稻The ratooning crop rice 全生育期(d)
Whole growth period
Transplanting (Mouth/day)
Initial heading
Full heading
成熟(月/日) Maturation
Growth period
Initial heading
Full heading
成熟(月/日) Maturation
Growth period
Guangliangyou 1128
3/25 4/27 7/10 7/14 8/15 143 9/8 9/17 10/31 77 220
Xinliangyou 223
3/25 4/27 7/7 7/12 8/12 140 9/8 9/14 10/26 75 215
Liangyou 6326
3/25 4/27 7/7 7/11 8/13 139 9/7 9/14 10/26 74 213
Chuangliangyou 558
3/25 4/27 7/10 7/14 8/15 143 9/9 9/16 10/31 77 220

Table 4

Comparison of process quality and appearance quality of the ratooning crop rice of different varieties"

品种Variety 糙米率(%)
Brown rice rate
Polished rice rate
Whole polished rice rate
Chalky grain rate
Chalkiness degree
Length-width ratio
广两优1128 Guangliangyou 1128 79.4±1.8a 68.1±0.6b 59.9±0.4b 8.6±1.8a 2.0±0.4ab 2.8±0.1a
新两优223 Xinliangyou 223 80.5±0.1a 68.7±0.1b 62.2±0.5b 4.7±1.0ab 1.1±0.2bc 2.9±0.1a
两优6326 Liangyou 6326 79.6±0.8 a 68.0±1.4b 61.3±1.8b 5.6±1.8ab 1.3±0.4abc 2.9±0.1a
创两优558 Chuangliangyou 558 80.4±0.6 a 70.2±0.2a 65.5±2.3a 3.1±3.6b 0.7±0.1c 2.9±0.1a

Table 5

Comparison of amylose content and protein content of the ratooning crop rice of different varieties"

Total protein
广两优1128 Guangliangyou 1128 23.8±1.1ab 7.06±0.16ab 0.95±0.06a 0.57±0.05a 0.46±0.02ab 9.03±0.13a
新两优223 Xinliangyou 223 21.4±0.1c 6.85±0.04bc 0.91±0.09a 0.57±0.01a 0.43±0.02b 8.76±0.08b
两优6326 Liangyou 6326 22.3±0.1b 6.67±0.15c 1.00±0.08a 0.61±0.01a 0.44±0.02b 8.71±0.20b
创两优558 Chuangliangyou 558 24.5±0.1a 7.11±0.04a 0.91±0.05a 0.61±0.03a 0.52±0.06a 9.14±0.09a

Table 6

The correlation analysis between whole polished rice rate and quality indexs"

Quality index
Whole polished rice rate
Test result
Pearson 相关性
Pearson relevance
垩白粒率Chalky grain rate 0.020 -0.542*
垩白度Chalkiness degree 0.035 -0.500*
长宽比Length-width ratio 0.211 0.310
糙米率Brown rice rate 0.792 0.067
精米率Polished rice rate 0.000 0.794**
直链淀粉含量Amylose content 0.652 0.348
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