Crops ›› 2016, Vol. 32 ›› Issue (4): 156-161.doi: 10.16035/j.issn.1001-7283.2016.04.027

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Effects of NPK Fertilizers Combined on Agronomic Traits,Yield,Nutrient Uptake and Utilization of “Heyu 9566” Maize

Deng Xiaoqiang1,Deng Jinchi2,Wang Liang2,Gong Xuefei1,Li Tianshu1   

  1. 1 Station of Soil and Fertilizer,Xishui County in Guizhou,Xishui 564600,Guizhou,China
    2 Service Centre of Agriculture at Erli Town,Xishui County in Guizhou,Xishui 564612,Guizhou,China
  • Received:2016-05-23 Revised:2016-06-30 Online:2016-08-15 Published:2018-08-26


In order to optimize the application of fertilizers including nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P) and potassium (K) and to improve the maize yield and utilization efficiency of fertilizers, the experiments were carried out to study the effect of N, P and K fertilizers on agronomic characters, yield and nutrient uptake and utilization of Heyu 9566 maize. The results showed that the combined application of N, P and K could effectively promote the agronomic characters, optimize the yield components through mainly increasing the number of grains per ear, so it could promote the comprehensive agronomic characters and yield of maize. N and K fertilizers could improve N and K concent of grain stem and leaves, N fertilizer promoted the absorption and utilization of N, P and K, K fertilizer could increase the uptake of N and P. The sequence was N>P>K in promoting absorption and utilization of nutriets. The combined application of N, P and K could effectively improve the absorption and accumulation of nutrients in maize plants, at the same time the contents of N, P in the seeds and the absorption of N, P and K were the highest in all treatments. The uptakes of N, P2O5, K2O were 2.02kg, 0.90kg and 2.21kg, respectively; the use rates of N, P and K were 33.28%, 15.43% and 48.79%, respectively; and the agronomic efficiencies for N, P and K were 13.07kg/kg, 5.59kg/kg and 3.34kg/kg respectively.

Key words: Maize, Application of fertilizers, Agronomic traits, Yield, Nutrient utilization

Table 1

Effects of NPK fertilizers combined on agronomic traits and yield of maize"

处理Treatments 株高(cm)
Bare tip
Line number
of ear
per row
per ear
Stem leaf
1 279.7aA 16.8aA 0.50aA 16.4aA 33.7aA 552.6aA 36.4aA 9 083.3aA 8 931aA
2 268.7aA 13.2bB 0.86aA 13.8bB 27.8cB 383.6bB 34.5aA 6 050.0bB 4 758dB
3 273.9aA 15.7aA 0.43aA 15.8aAB 32.6abA 515.1aA 36.0aA 8 550.0aA 7 052bcAB
4 275.3aA 16.0aA 0.66aA 16.1aAB 31.6bA 508.7aA 35.9aA 8 733.3aA 8 292abA
5 265.5aA 13.0bB 0.56aA 13.7bB 26.9cB 368.5bB 34.1aA 5 700.0bB 5 619cdB

Table 2

Content of NPK in maize plant %"

子粒Seed 茎叶Stem leaf
1 1.345aA 0.304aA 0.735dC 0.691cC 0.092cC 1.125cC
2 1.276dC 0.273bB 0.988aA 0.619dD 0.111bB 1.452aA
3 1.340bA 0.254cC 0.744cC 0.866aA 0.109bB 1.434bB
4 1.284cB 0.241dD 0.723eD 0.792bB 0.111bB 0.742eE
5 1.242eD 0.251cC 0.788bB 0.623dD 0.128aA 0.988dD

Table 3

Absorption and accumulation rate of NPK in maize plant kg/hm2"

处理Treatments 子粒Seed 茎叶Stem leaf 全株Whole plant
N P K 总量Total N P K 总量Total N P K 总量Total
1 122.17aA 27.61aA 66.76aA 216.54aA 61.71aA 8.22abA 100.47aA 170.40aA 183.88aA 35.83aA 167.23aA 386.94aA
2 77.20bB 16.52cC 59.77aA 153.49bB 29.45bB 5.28cB 69.09bB 103.82cB 106.65bB 21.80cC 128.86bAB 257.31bBC
3 114.57aA 21.72bB 63.61aA 199.90aA 61.07aA 7.69abAB 101.13aA 169.89aA 175.64aA 29.41bB 164.74aA 369.79aA
4 112.14aA 21.05bB 63.14aA 196.33aA 65.67aA 9.20aA 61.53bB 136.40bAB 177.81aA 30.25bAB 124.67bcB 332.73aAB
5 70.79bB 14.31cC 44.92bB 130.02bB 35.01bB 7.19bAB 55.52bB 97.72cB 105.80bB 21.50cC 100.44cB 227.74bC

Table 4

The distribution of the maize plant N,P,K nutrient ratio %"

处理Treatments N P K
1 66.44bB 77.07aA 39.92cC
2 72.38aA 75.77abA 46.39bB
3 65.23bcB 73.86bA 38.61cC
4 63.07cB 69.57cB 50.65aA
5 66.91bB 66.55dB 44.72bB

Table 5

The NPK application of fertilizer use efficiency"

100kg子粒耗养分量Application rate needed per 100kg(kg) 肥料利用率Fertilizer use efficiency(%) 农学效率Agronomy efficiency(kg/kg)
N P2O5 K2O N P K N P K
1 2.02aA 0.90aA 2.21bcB 33.28 15.43 48.79 13.07 5.59 3.34
2 1.76cB 0.83cBC 2.56aA
3 2.05aA 0.79dC 2.31bB
4 2.04aA 0.79dC 1.71dC
5 1.86bB 0.86bB 2.11cB
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