Crops ›› 2018, Vol. 34 ›› Issue (2): 30-34.doi: 10.16035/j.issn.1001-7283.2018.02.006

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Analysis of Genetic Effects of Potassium Content in Flue-Cured Tobacco

Xu Jie,Pan Lei,Yang Shuai,Chen Yunsong,Deng Shengbin,Yang Xiaodong,Ma Wenguang   

  1. Yuxi Zhongyan Tobacco Seed Company, Yuxi 653100, Yunnan, China
  • Received:2017-11-10 Revised:2018-01-02 Online:2018-04-20 Published:2018-08-27


15 hybrids were goten by crossing 5 genotypes of flue-cured tobacco with different potassium content selected according to GriffingⅡ model. The research on genetic effects was conducted for potassium content in leaf in fast-growing stage of flue-cured tobacco under plenty of potash via pot cultivating method. According to the results, there were significant differences in potassium content in leaf in fast-growing stage of 15 flue-cured tobacco genotypes, and the variance of the general combining ability and special combining ability both reached the extremely significant level, suggesting that additive and non-additive genes work together in the inheritance of this trait. Its broad-sense heritability was 71.84% and its narrow-sense heritability was 33.09%, indicating that the variance was mainly controlled by genetic factors. The heritability of potassium content of flue-cured tobacco was mainly controlled by dominance effect, and the heterosis of F1 generation was also stronger: 70% of F1 combinations showed a mid-parent advantage. High potassium content flue-cured tobacco could be obtained through heterosis utilization. Qinyan 96, Nongda 203 and Nongda 202 could be choosen as materials to breed flue-cured tobacco varieties (lines) of high potassium content for their high general combining ability.

Key words: Flue-cured tobacco, Potassium, Heritability, Combining ability, Heterosis

Table 1

The selected five parents and F1 hybrid combination"

编号Numbering 亲本Parents
1 农大202 Nongda 202
2 NC628
3 秦烟96 Qinyan 96
4 农大203 Nongda 203
5 云烟85 Yunyan 85
编号Numbering F1
6 NC628×农大202 NC628×Nongda 202
7 秦烟96×农大202 Qinyan 96×Nongda 202
8 农大203×农大202 Nongda 203×Nongda 202
9 云烟85×农大202 Yunyan 85×Nongda 202
10 农大203×NC628 Nongda 203×NC628
11 云烟85×NC628 Yunyan 85×NC628
12 秦烟96×NC628 Qinyan 96×NC628
13 秦烟96×云烟85 Qinyan 96×Yunyan 85
14 农大203×秦烟96 Nongda 203×Qinyan 96
15 云烟85×农大203 Yunyan 85×Nongda 203


The K content difference of flue-cured tobacco leaves between genotypes"

Table 2

Combining ability ANOVA of K content of flue-cured tobacco leaves"

Source of variation
Degree of freedom
K content
GCA 4 36.76**
SCA 10 14.53**
误差Deviation 28 0.74
GCA/SCA 2.53

Table 3

GCA and SCA effects of K content of flue-cured tobacco leaves between genotypes"

F1 特殊配合力
F1 特殊配合力
农大203 Nongda 203 2.29 NC628×农大202
NC628×Nongda 202
1.17 云烟85×NC628
Yunyan 85×NC628
秦烟96 Qinyan 96 1.49 秦烟96×农大202
Qinyan 96×Nongda 202
1.82 秦烟96×NC628
Qinyan 96×NC628
农大202 Nongda 202 0.84 农大203×农大202
Nongda 203×Nongda 202
-0.99 秦烟96×云烟85
Qinyan 96×Yunyan 85
云烟85 Yunyan 85 -1.28 云烟85×农大202
Yunyan 85×Nongda 202
-4.01 云烟85×农大203
Yunyan 85×Nongda 203
NC628 -3.35 农大203×NC628
Nongda 203×NC628
5.21 农大203×秦烟96
Nongda 203×Qinyan 96

Table 4

Heterosis of K content of flue-cured tobacco leaves %"

F1 中亲优势In the pro-advantage 超高亲优势Super pro-affinity 超低亲优势Ultra-low pro-affinity
NC628×农大202 NC628×Nongda 202 9.39 -10.27 40.08
秦烟96×农大202 Qinyan 96×Nongda 202 3.49 3.25 3.73
农大203×农大202 Nongda 203×Nongda 202 -0.16 -1.40 1.12
云烟85×农大202 Yunyan 85×Nongda 202 -8.61 -18.21 3.55
秦烟96×NC628 Qinyan 96×NC628 -2.27 -19.98 25.51
农大203×NC628 Nongda 203×NC628 28.42 6.39 61.95
云烟85×NC628 Yunyan 85×NC628 35.91 23.05 51.75
农大203×秦烟96 Nongda 203×Qinyan 96 2.91 1.39 4.47
秦烟96×云烟85 Qinyan 96×Yunyan 85 9.89 -1.86 24.82
云烟85×农大203 Yunyan 85×Nongda 203 13.84 3.04 27.19
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