Crops ›› 2018, Vol. 34 ›› Issue (2): 154-160.doi: 10.16035/j.issn.1001-7283.2018.02.027

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Effects of Biochar on Growth, Yield and Quality of Flue-Cured Tobacco

Gong Siyu1,Zhong Sirong1,Zhang Shichuan1,Nie Yaping2,Liang Xihuan1,Yang Shuaiqiang1,Liu Qiyuan1   

  1. 1 College of Agronomy, Jiangxi Agricultural University/Key Laboratory of Crop Physiology, Ecology and Genetic Breeding, Ministry of Education/Key Laboratory of Crop Physiology, Ecology and Genetic Breeding of Jiangxi Province, Nanchang 330045, Jiangxi, China
    2 Zhejiang University of Finance and Economics, Hangzhou 310018, Zhejiang, China
  • Received:2017-11-27 Revised:2018-03-03 Online:2018-04-20 Published:2018-08-27


Field experiments were conducted to study the effects of adding biochar to inorganic fertilizer and bio-organic fertilizer on growth, yield and quality of flue-cured tobacco. 4 different fertilization treatments were set up in the experiment: inorganic fertilizer (T1), bio-organic fertilizer (T2), inorganic fertilizer+biochar (T3), bio-organic fertilizer+biochar (T4). The results showed that: (1) The fresh weight of T4 was significantly lower than that of T2 by 13.74%. From rosette stage to vigorous growing stage, compared with T1, the fresh weight of T3 decreased by 6.55% and the dry weight decreased by 11.87%, at significant level. From vigorous growing stage to topping stage, the fresh weight of T4 was 13.12% more than T2 and the T3 was 18.33% more than T1, the differences were both significant. The application of biochar could inhibit the early growth of tobacco and promote their later growth. (2) Adding biochar could effectively increase the upper and middle leaves area. In the middle and upper leaves, the area of T3 increased by 19.73% and 0.90% when compared with T1, T4 increased by 9.39% and 2.50% when compared with T2, respectively. (3) The application of biochar could increase the content of plastid pigment in tobacco leaves before baking (during growth), reduce the content of chlorophyll and increased carotenoid content in cured tobacco leaves. (4) Adding biochar could significantly increase the total sugar content of upper and middle leaves, reduce the nicotine content, and make the chemical composition more harmonious. In the upper and middle tobacco leaves, the total sugar content of T3 increased by 2.85% and 11.85% when compared with T1, T4 increased by 1.88% and 3.49% when compared with T2, respectively. Meanwhile, the nicotine content of T3 reduced by 10.19% and 29.61% when compared with T1, T4 reduced by 16.61% and 5.21% when compared with T2, respectively. (5) Compared with inorganic fertilizer, the application of inorganic fertilizer combined with biochar could increase yield, output value, fine tobacco ratio, medium and fine tobacco ratio and the average price by 5.06%, 8.79%, 8.98%, 0.08% and 3.58% respectively. Compared with bio-organic fertilizer, the application of bio-organic fertilizer combined with biochar could increase by 2.07%, 12.28%, 10.88%, 2.07%, 10.00% respectively. The increase in the fine tobacco by adding biochar was the largest. (6) Biochar combined with bio-organic fertilizer had the best effects on the yield and quality of flue-cured tobacco.

Key words: Biochar, Flue-cured tobacco, Yield, Quality

Table 1

Effects of different treatments on fresh and dry weight of tobacco at different stages g"

Transplanting period to rosette stage
Rosette stage to vigorous growing stage
Vigorous growing stage to topping stage
鲜重Fresh weight 干重Dry weight 鲜重Fresh weight 干重Dry weight 鲜重Fresh weight 干重Dry weight
T1 217.75b 23.78a 1 027.75a 112.73a 564.50d 119.00a
T2 261.78a 26.33a 915.20c 93.83b 712.50b 142.50a
T3 228.10b 25.05a 960.40b 99.35b 668.00c 137.50a
T4 225.80b 24.68a 909.23c 93.19b 806.00a 148.00a

Table 2

Effects of different treatments on agronomic traits of tobacco"

Lower leaf area
Middle leaf area
Upper leaf area
Effective leaves per plant
Plant height
T1 1 493.41a 1 119.01d 1 182.71a 20.50b 103.87a
T2 1 453.04a 1 490.31b 1 215.92a 22.50ab 104.71a
T3 1 462.41a 1 339.80c 1 193.39a 21.50ab 103.09a
T4 1 390.08b 1 630.23a 1 246.37a 23.00a 103.50a

Table 3

Effects of different treatments on chromoplast pigment content of tobacco in different growth stages mg/g"

处理Treatment T1 T2 T3 T4
叶绿素a含量Chlorophyll-a content 团棵期Rosette stage 1 157.49a 1 003.68b 1 106.36a 985.31b
旺长期Vigorous growing stage 1 169.06b 1 309.11a 1 217.06b 1 328.96a
打顶期Topping stage 2 049.23c 2 173.94b 2 061.35c 2 288.04a
叶绿素b含量Chlorophyll-b content 团棵期Rosette stage 174.30a 97.55c 128.44b 90.04c
旺长期Vigorous growing stage 243.97b 305.32a 270.69b 325.94a
打顶期Topping stage 38.13b 57.08a 54.41a 58.61a
叶黄素含量Lutein content 团棵期Rosette stage 209.67a 163.12b 203.21a 157.99b
旺长期Vigorous growing stage 234.72b 241.73b 238.61b 262.50a
打顶期Topping stage 175.63c 238.43b 227.50b 260.11a
β-胡萝卜素含量β-carotene content 团棵期Rosette stage 170.16a 136.47b 173.20a 128.52b
旺长期Vigorous growing stage 192.07b 202.74b 200.09b 226.26a
打顶期Topping stage 146.86c 184.16b 180.23b 208.22a

Table 4

Effects of different treatments on chromoplast pigment content in flue-cured tobacco leaves μg/g"

Chlorophyll content
Carotenoid content
Upper leaf
Middle leaf
Upper leaf
Middle leaf
T1 6.37a 9.84a 211.57c 191.10c
T2 5.80a 8.56b 224.64b 201.18b
T3 6.63a 8.67b 211.67c 193.15c
T4 4.12b 7.05c 237.89a 213.30a

Table 5

Effects of different treatments on the content and the ratio of the chemical components of flue-cured tobacco"

Total sugar
Reducing sugar
Total N
Reducing sugar/Nicotine
Total N/Nicotine
上部叶 T1 3.14a 20.03d 18.34b 1.96a 0.24a 1.91b 5.84 0.62 7.96
Upper leaf T2 2.89b 22.32b 20.56a 2.17a 0.20b 2.09a 7.11 0.75 10.45
T3 2.82b 20.60c 17.04c 2.02a 0.23a 1.99b 6.04 0.72 8.65
T4 2.41c 22.74a 21.18a 1.94a 0.20b 2.06a 8.79 0.80 10.30
中部叶 T1 3.04a 22.03d 23.51b 1.63a 0.18b 2.22c 7.73 0.54 12.33
Middle leaf T2 2.11b 26.10b 24.24a 1.67a 0.20b 2.51ab 11.49 0.79 12.55
T3 2.14b 24.64c 23.86b 1.58b 0.24a 2.34b 11.15 0.74 9.75
T4 2.00c 27.01a 24.40a 1.64a 0.25a 2.78a 12.20 0.82 11.12

Table 6

Effects of different treatments on appearance quality of flue-cured tobacco"

T1 成熟 桔黄 稍薄 稍有 尚疏松
T2 成熟 桔黄 稍薄 疏松
T3 成熟 桔黄 中等 尚疏松
T4 成熟 桔黄 中等 疏松

Table 7

Effects of different treatments on economic characteristics of flue-cured tobacco"

Yield (kg/hm2)
Output value (yuan/hm2)
Fine tobacco ratio
Mediu and fine tobacco ratio
Average price (yuan/kg)
T1 2 793.15c 39 028.50d 23.27a 83.58b 13.97b
T2 3 121.80a 45 896.55b 27.21a 89.35a 14.70b
T3 2 934.60b 42 458.10c 25.36a 83.65b 14.47b
T4 3 186.45a 51 532.35a 30.17a 91.20a 16.17a
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