作物杂志,2023, 第4期: 152–158 doi: 10.16035/j.issn.1001-7283.2023.04.022

• 生理生化·植物营养·栽培耕作 • 上一篇    下一篇


赵海燕(), 赵丽洁, 韩根兰, 王江, 王子建, 聂萌恩, 杜慧玲(), 原向阳, 董淑琦   

  1. 山西农业大学农学院,030801,山西晋中
  • 收稿日期:2022-03-29 修回日期:2022-06-01 出版日期:2023-08-15 发布日期:2023-08-15
  • 通讯作者: 杜慧玲,主要从事作物化学调控研究,E-mail:duhuiling66@163.com
  • 作者简介:赵海燕,主要从事作物化学调控与逆境生理研究,E-mail:zhy18434763246@163.com
  • 基金资助:

Effects of Nitrogen and Zinc Application on Root Morphology and Zinc Content in Foxtail Millet

Zhao Haiyan(), Zhao Lijie, Han Genlan, Wang Jiang, Wang Zijian, Nie Meng’en, Du Huiling(), Yuan Xiangyang, Dong Shuqi   

  1. College of Agronomy, Shangxi Agricultural University, Jinzhong 030801, Shanxi, China
  • Received:2022-03-29 Revised:2022-06-01 Online:2023-08-15 Published:2023-08-15



关键词: 谷子, 锌含量, 氮锌配施, 根系形态


With pot experiment and complete randomized block design, Jingu 21 was used as material, urea and ZnSO4?7H2O as the fertilizer, the effects of nitrogen and zinc application on root morphology and zinc content in foxtail millet were studied by using four nitrogen fertilizer levels (0, 120, 180 and 240kg/ha), and three zinc fertilizer levels (20, 40 and 80mg/L). The results showed that, under different zinc treatment levels of the same nitrogen level and different nitrogen treatment levels of the same zinc level, seven and 15 days after zinc fertilizer injection, root length, projection area, surface area and root tip number all rose and then declined with the increase of zinc and nitrogen concentration. Compared with single application of zinc fertilizer, increasing nitrogen fertilizer could effectively increase the morphological index of foxtail millet root system, and the values of root forms of N0Zn40 and N120Zn40 treatments were large. The root activity of N120Zn40 treatment increased significantly compared with other treatments at the same nitrogen and zinc levels, and the root-shoot ratio also increased, which showed strong activity. At 15 days after zinc spraying, the zinc content of root increased with the increase of zinc concentration under low nitrogen and medium nitrogen; the zinc content of N120Zn40 treatment increased by 76.00%, 47.22% and 15.43% compared with other treatments with different nitrogen levels at the same zinc level. Therefore, the appropriate proportion of nitrogen and zinc fertilizer dispensing had a good synergistic effect, while nitrogen 120kg/ha and zinc 40mg/L were the best dispensing combination under this test condition.

Key words: Foxtail millet, Zinc content, Nitrogen and zinc application, Root morphology



指标Index 处理Treatment N0 N120 N180 N240
长度Length (cm) Zn20 152.04±34.93bB 289.78±64.80aAB 218.95±55.21abAB 194.99±7.37bB
Zn40 480.98±53.41aA 372.66±78.64bA 289.72±24.30bcA 259.76±17.97cA
Zn80 145.99±37.02bB 214.97±11.53aB 181.22±11.70abB 164.43±30.30bB
投影面积Projected area (cm2) Zn20 4.21±0.89bB 8.31±2.31aA 5.61±1.89abAB 4.92±0.88bB
Zn40 11.11±1.24aA 8.47±2.46abA 7.76±0.29bA 7.69±1.22bA
Zn80 4.70±1.19aB 6.42±1.33aA 5.21±0.32aB 5.02±0.68aB
表面积Surface area (cm2) Zn20 13.23±2.78bB 26.11±7.27aA 17.63±5.95abAB 15.47±2.75bB
Zn40 34.91±3.91aA 26.60±7.72abA 24.38±0.90bA 24.15±3.82bA
Zn80 14.76±3.73aB 20.17±4.18aA 16.36±1.01aB 15.77±2.15aB
根尖数Number of root tips Zn20 1028.33±390.26bB 1896.33±437.35aAB 1496.67±418.23abAB 1256.67±222.53abA
Zn40 3107.67±827.75aA 2882.67±711.73aA 2007.33±267.40abA 1554.00±254.68bA
Zn80 731.00±187.84bB 1386.67±248.42aB 1285.67±205.93abB 1151.00±521.35abA



指标Index 处理Treatment N0 N120 N180 N240
长度Length (cm) Zn20 594.57±80.61aB 683.17±25.15aB 656.90±48.21aB 447.80±48.71bB
Zn40 738.33±11.63bA 884.55±32.15aA 787.61±30.79bA 567.78±57.74cA
Zn80 616.06±69.72aAB 620.37±62.48aB 537.46±59.69aC 369.67±32.22bB
投影面积Projected area (cm2) Zn20 14.51±0.63bA 16.12±0.44aB 15.26±0.41abB 10.56±1.36cAB
Zn40 15.95±1.44cA 19.55±1.18aA 17.90±0.39abA 13.42±2.12bcA
Zn80 14.05±2.26aA 14.43±2.25aB 15.06±0.78aB 10.02±0.10bB
表面积Surface area (cm2) Zn20 46.24±2.09aA 47.32±3.43aB 48.49±0.75aB 33.18±4.27bAB
Zn40 50.10±4.54bcA 63.47±5.79aA 56.17±1.14abA 42.16±6.66cA
Zn80 44.15±7.11aA 45.33±7.07aB 47.33±2.46aB 31.38±0.38bB
根尖数Tips number of root Zn20 4131.33±688.76abA 4921.33±449.67aB 4709.00±614.08aAB 3510.67±343.96bA
Zn40 4807.67±337.05bcA 6499.67±108.19aA 5651.33±830.94abA 3991.67±576.68cA
Zn80 4837.67±674.51aA 4909.00±163.24aB 3739.00±732.33bB 2503.00±462.93cB


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