Crops ›› 2020, Vol. 36 ›› Issue (1): 89-97.doi: 10.16035/j.issn.1001-7283.2020.01.015

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Evaluation of Effect of Biochar on Tobacco Yield and Nitrogen Use Efficiency in Mountain Slope Areas

Liu Meiju1,Li Jiangzhou2(),Ji Sigui2,Fan Miaomiao3,Gu Xinghui2,Zhang Limeng2,Zhang Jinwei4,Qu Xing5,Zhou Wenbing2,Lin Shan3   

  1. 1College of Resources and Environmental Sciences, Yunnan Agricultural University, Kunming 650201,Yunnan, China
    2Extension Center of Tobacco Production Technology, Yuxi Tobacco Company, Yuxi 653100,Yunnan, China
    3College of Resources and Environmental Sciences, China Agricultural University, Beijing 100193, China
    4Extension Center of Tobacco Production Technology, Yuxi Tobacco Company Jiangchuan Branch Company, Yuxi 652600, Yunnan, China
    5Extension Center of Tobacco Production Technology, Yuxi Tobacco Company Eshan Branch Company, Yuxi 653200, Yunnan, China
  • Received:2019-02-25 Revised:2019-10-17 Online:2020-02-15 Published:2020-02-23
  • Contact: Jiangzhou Li


Due to the low content of soil organic matter and poor water and fertlizer holding capacity, tobacco yield is generally lower in mountain slope areas. Biochar can improve soil physicochemical properties and improve soil holding capacity. The effect of biochar to improve the tobacco yield and nitrogen use efficiency was investigated. Field experiments were conducted at three different locations with mountains slope areas and plain between mountain areas. The effects of 6 biochar addition levels (0, 4.5, 9.0, 13.5, 18.0, 22.5t/ha) on yield and economic value of tobacco leaves, main agronomic traits, nitrogen use efficienc,y and apparent loss were determined and calculated. The results showed that the yield and economic value of tobacco leaves were significantly lower in mountain slope areas than in plain between mountain areas. However, under the same biochar addition levels, the relative increase in tobacco yield and production value were significantly higher in mountain slope areas than in plain between mountain areas. Before biochar application rate reached 13.5t/ha, the tobacco yield and economic value were increased significantly with the increase of biochar application rates. Nitrogen uptake, agronomy and recovery rate were significantly higher in plain between mountain areas than in mountain slope areas. Compared with the control treatment without biochar, the relative increase rate of agronomy and recovery of nitrogen fertilizer were significantly higher in mountain slope areas than that of plain between mountain areas. With the increase of biochar addition, the N apparent loss was significantly reduced. Biochar application is more effective in the mountain slope areas than in plain between mountain areas, whereas, the suitable application rate is 13.5t/ha.

Key words: Topography, Biochar, Tobacco, Yield, Economic value, Nitrogen use efficiency

Table 1

Preceding crops, main soil physical and chemical properties in each experiment site"

pH 有机质(g/kg)
Plain between
mountain area
江川Jiangchuan 大白菜 102°43′42″ 24°21′02″ 1 743 1.36 6.3 16.2 23.6 49.2 244
峨山Eshan 菜豌豆 102°25′56″ 24°09′01″ 1 569 1.31 6.3 18.0 17.0 31.5 258
通海Tonghai 洋葱 102°27′46″ 24°06′54″ 1 827 1.35 6.4 16.5 13.2 34.2 306
平均Average 1 713 1.34a 6.3a 16.9a 17.9a 38.3a 269a
Mountain slope area
江川Jiangchuan 大白菜 102°40′37″ 24°24′31″ 1 851 1.27 5.8 14.6 22.3 35.6 189
峨山Eshan 菜豌豆 102°03′41″ 24°10′26″ 1 950 1.22 6.5 14.9 18.1 46.5 262
通海Tonghai 洋葱 102°41′10″ 24°12′30″ 1 959 1.25 6.1 13.7 15.0 42.1 234
平均Average 1 920 1.25b 6.1a 14.4b 18.5a 41.4a 228a

Table 2

Results of two-factor analysis of variance (P value) for leaf yield and economic value between topography and biochar"

Economic value
Weight per leaf
Relative increase in yield
Relative increase in economic value
地形Topography 0.001 0.001 0.001 0.001 0.001
生物炭Biochar 0.001 0.001 0.001 0.001 0.058
地形×生物炭Topography×Biochar 0.3529 0.4662 0.1818 0.1272 0.3920


Effects of topography (n=54) and biochar (n=18)on yield and economic value in tobacco "***" indicate statistically significant difference between mountain slope areas and plain between mountain areas at 0.001 probability level; bars labeled with the different lowercase letters indicate significant difference (P<0.05) between biochar treatments. The same below"


Effects of topography (n=45) and biochar (n=9) on relative increase of yield and economic value in tobacco "*", "**" indicate statistically significant difference between mountain slope areas and plain between mountain areas at 0.05, 0.01 probability level; ns indicate no significant. The same below"


Effects of topography (n=54) and biochar (n=18) on weight per leaf and relative increase (n=9)"

Table 3

Results of two-factor analysis of variance (P value) for agronomic traits at different stages between topography and biochar"

性状Trait 团棵期Rosette 旺长期Vigorous 打顶期Topping
株高Plant height 0.0001 0.0603 0.7898 0.0001 0.0645 0.9582 0.0001 0.0080 0.9168
茎粗Stem diameter 0.0562 0.9932 0.9955 0.0001 0.8941 0.9723 0.0001 0.2915 0.9751
叶片数Number of leaf 0.0025 0.9389 0.9925 0.0001 0.3915 0.9855 0.0001 0.0105 0.3782
叶面积指数Leaf area index 0.0001 0.9737 0.9955 0.0001 0.4979 0.9990 0.0001 0.0002 0.9470

Table 4

Results of two-factor analysis of variance (P value) for nitrogen uptake and agronomic use efficiency between topography and biochar"

Nitrogen uptake
Nitrogen agronomic use efficiency
Nitrogen fertilizer recovery efficiency
N apparent loss
地形Topography 0.001 0.001 0.001 0.001
生物炭Biochar 0.001 0.001 0.027 0.001
地形×生物炭Topography×Biochar 0.5718 0.9724 0.9272 0.5032


Effects of topography (n=18) and biochar (n=6) on nitrogen uptake amount and relative increase (n=3)"


Effects of topography (n=54) and biochar (n=18) on nitrogen use efficiency and recovery efficiency and relative increase (n=3)"


Effects of topography (n=18) and biochar (n=6) on N apparent loss"

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