Crops ›› 2017, Vol. 33 ›› Issue (2): 38-43.doi: 10.16035/j.issn.1001-7283.2017.02.007
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Shan Weiyu1,Xu Yongqing1,Sun Meili1,Chai Ying1,Su Feifei2,Sun Xuhong2,Li Xiuyu1,Li Lei1,Li Fenglan1
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[1] | Su Feifei, Zhang Jinghua, Li Yong, Liu Shangwu, Liu Zhenyu, Wang Shaopeng, Wan Shuming, Chen Xi, Gao Yunfei, Hu Linshuang, Lü Dianqiu. Effects of Different Irrigation Methods on#br# Physiological Characteristics and Water#br# Use Efficiency of Potato [J]. Crops, 2018, 34(5): 97-103. |
[2] | Ying Chai,Yongqing Xu,Yao Fu,Xiuyu Li,Fumeng He,Yingqi Han,Zhe Feng,Fenglan Li. Characteristics of Cell Wall Degradation Enzyme Produced by Main Pathogenic Fusarium spp. in Potato Dry Rot [J]. Crops, 2018, 34(4): 154-160. |
[3] | Huiqin Wen,Tianling Cheng,Ziyou Pei,Xue Li,Lisheng Zhang,Mei Zhu. Analysis of Comprehensive Characteristics of Wheat Varieties Registered in Shanxi Province in Recent Years [J]. Crops, 2018, 34(4): 32-36. |
[4] | Yajun Liu,Qiguo Hu,Fengli Chu,Wenjing Wang,Aimei Yang. Effects of Different Cultivation Methods and Planting Densities on the Yield and Storage Root Tuberization of Sweet Potato cv. "Shangshu 9" [J]. Crops, 2018, 34(4): 89-94. |
[5] | Xiaoyong Zhang,Youlian Yang,Shujiang Li,Rongchuan Xiong,Hong Xiang. Effects of Exogenous GA3 and 6-BA on Leaf Senescence in Low Temperature Stress of Virus-Free Potato Cutting Seedlings [J]. Crops, 2018, 34(4): 95-101. |
[6] | Yiran Ye, ,Bencai Sha,Wenxiang Wang,Hongda Ye,Shixian Geng,Jingjin Cheng,Meirong Hai. Effects of Different Fertilizers on Photosynthetic Characteristics of Winter Potato [J]. Crops, 2018, 34(3): 135-140. |
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[9] | Yong Cui. Influence of Continuous Cropping and Controlling Measures on Continuous Cropping Potato [J]. Crops, 2018, 34(2): 87-92. |
[10] | Mingming Yan,Qiujun Chen,Min Tang,Zhiwen Liu. Effects of Different Concentration Combinations of Hormone and Organics on Rapid Propagation of Sweet Potato Virus-Free Seedling [J]. Crops, 2018, 34(2): 68-72. |
[11] | Shumin Liang,Lei Zhang,Shengding He,Qunqing Yang,Yanshan Li,Pinggen He,Shaolin Wang,Ying Wang,Qiongfen Yang,Qijun Sui. Yield and Economic Benefit of Potato under the Different Cultivation Patterns in Northwest Yunnan [J]. Crops, 2017, 33(6): 79-83. |
[12] | Qian Liu,Song Hou,Qing Liu,Huan Li,Yanxi Shi. Effects of Transplanting Date on Yield and Quality of Edible Sweet Potato cv. Yanshu No.25 [J]. Crops, 2017, 33(5): 136-141. |
[13] | Hongda Ye, ,Bencai Sha,Wenxiang Wang,Jia Liu,Yiran Ye,Meirong Hai. Effects of Altitude on Photosynthetic and Fluorescence Characteristics, and Antioxidant Properties on Solanum tuberosum L. [J]. Crops, 2017, 33(5): 93-99. |
[14] | Yue Huang,Shuaibing Li,Ying Shi. Differences in Mineral Nutrition Qualityof Different Potato Varieties [J]. Crops, 2017, 33(4): 33-37. |
[15] | ,Lili Zhang,Ying Shi. Screening of Drought Resistant Germplasm Resources in Potato [J]. Crops, 2017, 33(4): 72-77. |